New study trained fish to spit at human faces
Paris’ iconic kiosks are being updated and replaced
A 293.6-foot endangered yellow meranti tree on the island of Borneo was discovered by scanning its forests
You could own a painting by the Louisville Lip
The priceless rock art is damaged beyond repair
DNA analysis of bison fossils show that people likely migrated down the Pacific coast and not through the Rocky Mountains
A new study finds that the abandoned nuclear test sites aren't much more radioactive than Central Park
Bretagne was the last surviving dog from the 300 that worked at the World Trade Center site
Ten refugee-athletes from Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia and the Republic of Congo will compete at the Rio Olympics
The boxer may be dead, but physical traces of his audacious life remain
An Airbus jumbo jet will soon become home to all sorts of sea life
Larval perch gorge themselves on microplastics, which seems to be stunting growth and affecting natural instincts
One hundred-year-old graffiti by “A-No.1” and others were found by the L.A. River
Researchers are uncovering fragments of medieval texts used in early book binding
The president had a real way with the ladies—and with an em dash
Biologists have waited with bated breath for months
This game is for soccer's international underdogs
Fake bombing has never felt so real
Though these formations may not be evidence of a lost city, they show off some intriguing chemistry
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