Smart News

New Research

Some Totally Normal People Just Don’t Like Music That Much

While some of us find ourselves quietly crying in the middle of a Target when some dumb song comes on, others are unmoved


Cool Finds

If We're Going to Climb Mountains, First the Earth Needs to Make Them

Temujin Doran's video explores the processes that affect mountain evolution

Cool Finds

Some Tattoo Inks Can Burn You During an MRI

It's rare, and no good reason to skip your MRI, but it can happen

Trending Today

How Taboos Around Menstruation Are Hurting Women's Health

Poor menstrual hygiene and social stigmas can hurt women's health, and the economy

Jason Barnes

Cool Finds

This Prosthetic Hand Lets a Drummer Play Again

“I’ll bet a lot of metal drummers might be jealous of what I can do now,” he said. “Speed is good. Faster is always better”

New Research

Musicians Are Better Able to Identify a World-Class Orchestra by Sight Than by Sound

Allowing musicians to both hear and see an orchestra playing actually lowers their ability to tell if it's world-class

New Research

If You're Not Straight, You're at Higher Risk for Domestic Violence

And most help-centers and laws focus exclusively on straight female victims


Cool Finds

If You Like Gore, You'll Like Watching This Eyeball Get Dissected

Mind the eye juice

New Research

Sea Level Rise Might Drown a Fifth of All UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The Statue of Liberty and the Sydney Opera House are under threat


Trending Today

Singapore Is the World’s Most Expensive City

Tokyo has been dethroned

Europa as seen by NASA's Galileo spacecraft.

Trending Today

NASA Wants to Take a Closer Look at the Water on Jupiter’s Moon

Part of NASA's tentative 2015 budget includes planning for a mission to Europa

Cool Finds

Tennessee Is About To Get a New State Artifact

A Native American sculpture is about to become Tennessee's state artifact

Cool Finds

This Organization Recycles 120,000 Pounds of Mardi Gras Beads Each Year

That’s more than 60 walruses (by mass) worth of beads

Okay but this is still pretty bad.

Trending Today

Everybody Chill Out, Eating Meat Isn’t Going to Kill You

A new study suggesting that a meat-rich diet is just as bad as smoking has some problems

Quick, wash off the arsenic before it melts your skin!

Cool Finds

To Get Rid of Body Hair, Renaissance Women Made Lotions of Arsenic, Cat Dung And Vinegar

"When the skin feels hot, wash quickly with hot water so the flesh doesn’t come off"

Service Dogs Sign

Pet Owners Are Pretending Their Dogs Are Service Animals to Sneak Them Into Places They Shouldn't Be

Parking in a handicapped spot is illegal, and so is misrepresenting your pet as a service animal

Break me of a piece of that monolith.

Cool Finds

Stonehenge Visitors Used To Be Handed Chisels to Take Home Souvenirs

Chisels were banned in the early 1900s, and in 1977, the stones were roped off so people couldn’t climb on them any longer

New Research

Yosemite’s Bears Are Raiding Way Fewer Picnic Baskets These Days

Just 13 percent of the bears' diet comes from human food

Cool Finds

Mount Everest Climbers Are Now Required to Haul Nearly 20 Pounds of Garbage Off the Mountain

The new rule is meant to help tackle the estimated 50 tons of garbage currently sitting on the mountain

New Research

Female Computer Scientists Make the Same Salary as Their Male Counterparts

Only 20 percent of programmers are women, though

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