Smart News

Iron Age coin hoard

Cool Finds

Hoard of Gold Coins Found in California

In what can only be described as every child’s dream, a couple in California found treasure buried in their backyard

Knife throwing: a place you want to be pretty accurate.

Cool Finds

One Thing Humans Are Better Than Other Species At: Throwing

The next time you angrily throw something across the room, appreciate that you’re exercising a pretty unique human ability

Cool Finds

American Men Are More Likely to Work From Home Than Women

While telecommuting is great, it’s not going to magically make the pressures on working moms go away

Traditional Space Saver in Boston

Cool Finds

Cities Across the Country Say: End Savesies on Snow Days

Car owners save shoveled parking spaces with weird household items, and officials say it's got to stop

Cool Finds

Reusing Hotel Towels Actually Does Make a Difference

Laundry accounts for 16 percent of hotels' water usage, which translates into significant energy costs

New Research

Middle-Aged Kids Can Still Stress Their Parents Out

Being too involved or not involved enough in middle-aged kids' lives can cause parents to become depressed

Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, Canada, just got high speed cell phone service last year.

Trending Today

There Are Nearly As Many Cell Phone Subscriptions As People on Earth

There are 96 cell phones for every 100 people

New Research

Athletes' Body Language Gives Away the Score

You can tell a whole lot about the score from the wrinkles on a forehead, the slouch of shoulders and the jittering of hands

Trending Today

The EU And Brazil Are Planning to Sidestep the NSA With a $185 Million Cross-Atlantic Cable

The EU and Brazil are partnering to lay new fiber-optic cables across the Atlantic

Trending Today

Facial Hair Transplants Are Growing in Popularity

According to science, beards are more attractive. Good thing you can buy one at the doctor's office.

Cool Finds

Arachnophobes Think Spiders Are Bigger Than They Really Are

The more afraid of spiders you are, the bigger they seem to be

New Research

Camels Have Been Carrying Around a Deadly, Contagious Virus For At Least Twice As Long As Anyone Realized

Over the past twenty years, cases of the MERS virus might have gone undetected in infected humans


Cool Finds

This Incredible, Folding Design Could Change How Doors Work

It’s about time the door industry got a little more exciting

Cool Finds

This Baby-Making App Is Taking on the Task of Insuring Against Infertility

Those who do not conceive after 10 months receive funds for infertility tests from either a public pool they contributed to or from their employer

Before and After: Where has the Mango Gone?

Trending Today

Giant Mango Goes Missing in Australia

A giant, kitschy tourist attraction has disappeared from the Australian town of Bowen

Trending Today

Tech Companies Are Trying to Make NSA-Proof Encrypted Phones And Apps

From encryption apps to encrypted phones, telecommunications companies are pushing back

Cool Finds

Naples' Dog DNA Database Tracks Owners Who Don’t Clean Up After Their Pets

U.S. condo building picked up this idea, and now Naples is spreading it across a city

A photo of the 4.4 billion-year old zircon.

New Research

This Little Gem Is the Oldest Piece of the Earth We’ve Ever Found

A tiny zircon from western Australia is 4.4 billion years old

Cool Finds

Artist Animates What It Feels Like to Take Melatonin

The viewer feels both the frustration of insomnia, and the pleasant lull of the melatonin

DJ put that record on, it's everybody's favorite song.

Cool Finds

The World’s Most Sampled Song Is "Change the Beat" by Fab 5 Freddy

From Nine Inch Nails to Justin Bieber, nearly everybody has sampled this song

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