Smart News


Feel Your Head Roll With This Virtual Reality Guillotine Simulator

Through a combination if sight and touch, virtual reality can actually be incredibly realistic


There Are Just Three Males of This Endangered Fish Left, And the London Zoo Is on a Global Hunt to Find a Lady

There are just three fish of this species left in the world, and they're all males.


What Is it About Music That Triggers All of These Emotions?

Real feel or social construction? Where does the mood of your music come from?


Shell Is Drilling the World’s Deepest Offshore Oil Well in the Gulf of Mexico

The new well contains around 250 million barrels of recoverable oil total - or just over three percent of the oil used by the U.S. each year


You’ll Want to Watch Today’s Solar Eclipse Create a Gorgeous ‘Ring of Fire’

Tune in this evening to watch the Moon eclipse Australia's early-morning Sun

Could Lightning Come From Space?

Cosmic rays may cause a "runaway breakdown" of electrons when they collide with highly charged particles in thunderclouds


Women Appear on Less Than Five Percent of Sports Illustrated Covers

A recent analysis of 11 years of SI covers shows that if you take out the swimsuit issue, women appear just 4.9 percent of the time


There Should Be an Endangered Species List for Ecosystems, Too

Listing an ecosystem or animal as endangered does not save it from extinction, but it can bring attention and inspire protection

Over the past few decades Lake Urmia in Iran has steadily dried up.

28-Year Satellite Time-Lapse Shows Exactly What We’re Doing to Our Planet

28 years in just a few seconds, as seen from space

A new and improved model of the human tongue.

How Much Do We Really Know About Your Tongue?

This new model is the most complete guide for understanding the "complex interweaving" of our tongue muscles

Dawn LeClair, member of the 1975 Wickenburg High School Math Club, sits in front of the paper clip computer.

Can You Build a Computer Out of Paper Clips?

You might never have asked yourself this question, because it's a pretty weird question, but the answer is essentially yes


Cracking the Code of the Human Genome

The Deep Seafloor Turns Out to Be a Treasure Trove for Ancient DNA

DNA preserved in the the ocean floor could provide a unique view of ancient animals that aren't represented in the fossil record


Potato Cannons are Way More Dangerous Than You Think — Especially When the Air Force Gets Their Hands On Them

With the right fuel, you can send a potato flying at more than 300 miles per hour


You Totally Would Have Wanted This Little Dome-Headed Dinosaur as a Pet

Just 90 pounds and 6 feet tall, this newly discovered dinosaur is the oldest of its kind


This New Drug Neutralizes Heroin Before Users Feel the High

By binding the psychoactive ingredients in the blood, heroin can't affect the users' brain


Sometimes Male Spiders Eat Their Mates, Too

Many female arthropods - black widows, praying mantises - eat their male mates, but sometimes the reverse is true


Ray Harryhausen, the Godfather of Stop Motion Animation, Dies

Producer and animator Ray Harryhausen, who invented a kind of stop motion model animation called 'dynamation,' died today


We’re About to Pass a Disheartening New Climate Change Milestone

We're teetering on the edge of hitting carbon dioxide levels of 400 ppm, but will that be enough to change minds and policies?


Feel What It’s Like to Live on an Antarctic Icebreaker for Two Months


Scientists Just Recorded the Brightest Explosion We’ve Ever Seen

We just saw the longest, brightest, most powerful version of the universe's most massive explosions

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