Smart News

A statue of Richard the Lionheart in London

A Forensic Analysis of Richard the Lionheart’s Heart

Richard the Lionheart was buried without his heart, and a modern forensic analysis just unveiled how it was preserved

Suffragettes march, complete with cloth banners, across the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave. and 11th St. in Washington, D.C. Photo: Library of Congress

Inauguration History

More Than One Hundred Years Ago, 5,000 Suffragettes Paraded Down Pennsylvania Avenue

On the eve of Woodrow Wilson's inauguration, suffragists descended upon Washington


This Is The Only Known Footage of George Orwell

Scholars had thought that, although he lived in the 1950s, author George Orwell's mug was never captured on film

Being a Soccer Fan Can Actually Kill You

During the 2006 World Cup watching a soccer game doubled the risk of a heart attack in German fans


The American Bumblebee Is Crashing, Too

Colony Collapse Disorder targets honey bees. But now American bumblebees are missing, too


Will the Statue of Liberty Ever Reopen?

The Statue of Liberty to remain closed indefinitely until NYPD; National Park Service agree on security screening system

The baby who was cured of HIV hasn’t been identified, but here’s another random picture of a baby in a hospital.

Mississippi Baby Might Have Been Cured of HIV

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say they have cured a baby of HIV using standard HIV drugs very early in life


The Health Effects of Fukushima’s Radiation Weren’t So Bad

The World Health Organization calculated a barely-there increase in cancer rates


The Stupid Reason the NHL Drafts Older Players First

Take note, coaches: stop listening to Malcolm Gladwell, and start listening to science


This Simple Test Could Help Stop River Blindness

River blindness, one of the world's leading causes of blindness, begins when a small parasitic worm wiggles its way into human skin

American Football Players Aren’t the Only Ones With Head Injury Issues

Soccer players who head the ball could be injuring their brains, as well


Why Did (or Didn’t) the Meerkat Cross the Road?

Dominant female meerkats hang back to let subordinates cross busy, dangerous roads first


Why the Internet Loves Lists

Why do we love lists so much? Science and literature might have some answers


Pessimists Live Longer Than Optimists

New research suggests that the downers wind up outlasting the uppers


Neuroscientists Wire Two Rats’ Brains Together And Watch Them Trade Thoughts

One rat, presented with a task, completes it using only the thoughts transmitted from another rat's brain

A Chinook helicopter caries supplies to the stranded Kulluk oil drilling platform in January.

Arctic Drilling Is On Hiatus As Shell Packs It In

After a string of mishaps, Shell is pausing their bid to drill the Arctic seas


Could Spider Silk Stop a Moving Train?

Spiderman really could have stopped that train from falling, so long as his silk resembled that produced by the Darwin's bark spider


Why Are Our Brains Wrinkly?

Brain wrinkles naturally develop as the brain gets larger in order to lend more surface area and help white matter fibers avoid long stretches

Carbon capture and storage equipment in Germany.

Canadian Government Winds Down Research That Could Help Stop Climate Change

If carbon dioxide emissions don't start dropping in the next few decades, we're looking at hundreds of years of high temperatures

Aphrodite rescuing her son Aeneas, wounded in fight, scene from The Iliad. Work on display in the Staatliche Antikensammlungen.

Geneticists Try to Figure Out When the Illiad Was Published

When was The Iliad actually written? To answer that question, you might turn to a historian or a literary scholar. But geneticists wanted a crack at it

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