Smart News Arts & Culture

Millennials’ Raucous “Hookup Culture” Is All a Big Myth

From the 80s to today, college-aged kids aren't having any more sex than before

Getty Just Made 4,600 Incredible Images Public Domain

These images must still be credited, but they can be used for both commercial and non-commercial material

An emergency call center

911 Won’t Always Know Your Location If You Call From a Cell Phone

Among the networks, AT&T and T-Mobile seem to be the biggest culprits at leaving out pertinent location information when customers make emergency calls


Who Are the 2.8 Million Non-Hispanic Americans Who Speak Spanish at Home?

There are 37.6 million Americans who speak Spanish at home, but only 34.8 million self-identify as Hispanic

In Venezuela, Human Hair Is Hot on the Black Market

The thieves--both men and women--grab their long-haired victim or hold her at gun or knife point, then cut her hair off at the base of the pony tail

Messiah’s birth certificate (not pictured) will have to be updated if the judge gets her way.

Judge Decides Only One Person Can Be Named ‘Messiah,’ and It’s Not This Baby in Tennessee

The baby's mother plans to appeal the decision

Autism Is Likely Under-Diagnosed in Women Due to Gender Bias

Autism has long been a disorder more commonly seen in men. But new research suggests that perhaps doctors are simply missing the signs of autism in women


The Only Copy of Orson Welles’ First Professional Film Didn’t Burn in a Fire After All

The only copy of the Citizen Kane director's first professional movie was found in a warehouse

Artificial Hymens Have Come a Long Way Since Blood-Filled Fish Bladders

There are tests of a woman's virginity, many centered around the blood involved in breaking her hymen. To pass this test, some women turned to fakery


Werner Herzog Doesn’t Want You to Text And Drive

Texting and driving kills more teenagers than driving and driving


Kids Eat Five Times More Magnets Than They Did Ten Years Ago

Kids like to create faux lip, nose or tongue rings by fashioning the balls into magnetic loops, which wind up accidentally getting swallowed


On Airplanes, People Tend to Choose Seats on the Left Side, And, in Movie Theaters, the Right

When we're in a movie theater, we tend to want to sit on the right side. And new research has shown that on airplanes we veer left


Tutors in South Korea, Paid According to Popular Demand, Can Earn Millions

South Korea has made a free market based around demand for a particular teacher's skills, not a company's logo

The Vancouver Olympic Village with Russia’s house, broadcasting their 2014 Winter Olympic bid success.

Is It Possible to Move the Winter Olympics Away From Russia?

Activists have started circulating petitions to have the games moved out of Russia

The statue on the right lost its delicately extended pinky earlier this week.

An American Surgeon Accidentally Amputated a 600-Year-Old Statue’s Finger

The museum decided no to press charges, and so far the unwitting tourist hasn't been asked to pay for repairs


That Whole Japanese Eyeball Licking Thing Never Really Happened

Never fear. We are not next to suffer from the eyeball licking craze, because that craze never actually existed

A Conference Call, Drones And a Foiled Plot: A Guide to the Confusion in Yemen

The past few days have seen a burst of activity in Yemen. What's going on?

A toucan in Costa Rica’s La Pumas Zoo – soon to be released?

Costa Rica Is Going to Close Its Zoos And Release the Animals Into the Wild

But if Costa Rica expects its zoo animals to survive life outside of captivity for long, some very careful planning and preparation is in order

Farah and Bolt mimic one another’s classic poses

Could Usain Bolt Lose This Race?

Bolt has accepted Farah's challenge, and the two will race for charity. What Bolt might not realize is that this might be a race he could actually lose

London’s lovely fatberg

A 16-Ton Ball of Lard Was Just Found in a London Sewer

Don't flush cooking grease, okay?

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