Smart News Science

An artist's illustration of Kepler-444 and its five planets

New Research

These Five Earth-sized Planets Are Super Old

Kepler-444 is 11.2 billion years old and its five planets could tell us about planet formation in the early universe

New Research

Sugar Is Causing Girls to Get Their Periods Sooner

Why shunning soda might help reduce premature puberty rates

Early Homo sapiens, a skull of which is shown here, may have coexisted with the primitive human whose jawbone was recently discovered by a fisherman off the coast of Taiwan

New Research

Did Fishermen Find Evidence of an Unknown Group of Primitive Humans?

A fossilized jawbone pulled from the seafloor near Taiwan may be from an ancient type of hominin new to science

New Research

23 Kids’ Peanut Allergies Were Cured, At Least Temporarily

A probiotic may be the key to fighting allergies to peanut proteins

Cool Finds

Hive Mind: A Swarm of Microprobes Could Tell Us More About Jupiter

The miniature probes will gather atmospheric data before bursting into flames

New Research

Pollutants Are Making Polar Bears' Penis Bones More Likely to Break

An industrial chemical contaminating the Arctic is further threatening a species already facing dire challenges

Cool Finds

The Mystery of the Continuously Functioning Battery From 1840

A battery at the University of Oxford has been incessantly ringing two bells for 175 years—but no one knows exactly why it’s lasted so long


Use This Map to Track the Snowfall and Social Media Buzz Around the Northeast Blizzard

Weather alerts and media streams can keep you up to date on the full extent of the nor'easter

New Research

It’s Easy to Make People Like Healthy Food…Just Rewire Their Brains

A new study imaged brains of women of different weights and found dramatic differences in how their brains responded to food

Cool Finds

Some People Have Patterns on Their Tongues That Look Like Maps

The condition is harmless and fairly common

Part of the comet's smaller lobe from about 8 km above the surface

New Research

Rosetta’s Comet Close-Ups Reveal Goosebumps And Very Little Ice

Rosetta is watching for changes as the double-lobed comet approaches the sun

Napping now might mean better memory later.

New Research

Want a Better Memory in 30 Years? Go to Sleep Now

Catching some ZZZs today could help your memory stay fresh into old age

New Research

Is Orange Juice More Nutritious?

New research challenges the assumption that fruit trumps juice

Surprise! Cats may be able to pick up on the moods of their owners.

New Research

It Isn’t Only Dogs; Cats May Pick Up on Emotional Cues, Too

New research shows that, like babies and dogs, our feline friends look to us for clues on how to react to new situations

The face of Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf

Cool Finds

Fish Live Under Antarctica’s Ice Shelf, Where It Seems They Shouldn’t Survive

Biologists expected the seafloor under a glacier to be nearly barren, until life swam into view

New Research

Neuroscientists Found Eight Genes That Govern Human Brain Size

A consortium of neuroscientists compared medical data from over 30,000 people and found genetic mutations that may cause parts of the brain to be smaller

New Research

Angry Tweets Help Twitter Detect Heart Disease Risk

New research shows that Twitter can detect not just viruses, but long-term public health problems

New Research

Young Blood Rejuvenates Older Tissues

Experiments in surgically joined lab animals that share blood have inspired anti-aging hopes

New Research

Your Spouse’s Personality Can Help You Get Ahead at Work

Tests on married couples reveal that conscientiousness in a spouse is the most helpful trait if you want promotions and success

New Research

What Hibernation Teaches Us About Treating Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists find that a brain-protecting protein produced when the body cools may have major implications for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders

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