Smart News Science

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James Watson Will Be the First Nobel Laureate to Sell His Medallion

But his racist comments have created a surge of pushback

New Research

Why Do Families Move for Men's, But Not Women's, Careers?

Men choose jobs that are less flexible in location

New Research

Older People’s Brains Notice More But Filter Less

A small study shows that elderly people notice patterns even when those patterns aren’t useful

Trending Today

A 15-Minute Test to Diagnose Ebola Is Going Into Use in West Africa

Speeding up detection would help everyone get where they need to be

You can't spend your way out of this one, America

Trending Today

NASA Is Turning Black Friday Into "Black Hole Friday"

Because, in the end, even great savings won't save you from a singularity

An artists' rendition of a different species of Pentaceratops alongside a modern white rhinoceros for scale

New Research

Reexamining Fossils Revealed a New Dinosaur Species

A distinct species of Pentaceratops was hiding in a museum's fossil collection

Cool Finds

The Black Sea Devil, a Rare Deep-Sea Anglerfish, Filmed for the First Time

Fewer than half a dozen anglerfish have ever been recorded swimming in their undersea habitat

New Research

We Weigh the Most on Mondays

The weekend’s excesses can pack on a few extra pounds, but routine during the week tends to strip them away again

Ariel view of the Hoover Dam captured in 1967

New Research

Americans Are Using Less Water Than We Did in 1970

Peak water was decades ago

New Research

In the U.S., Few Heavy Drinkers Are Actually Alcoholics

About 90 percent of people who drink excessively—more than eight drinks a week for women, 15 for men—are not alcohol dependent

The worm's progression through the man's brain, over a four year period.

New Research

A Tapeworm Crawled Around In This Man's Brain for Years

Studying the extracted parasite might help others avoid a similar infestation

An optical light image of a black hole’s jet from the galaxy M87

New Research

The Rotational Energy of Black Holes Spits Out Powerful Particle Streams

Researchers are getting closer to answering some heavy questions about how supermassive black holes work


Cool Finds

This New Video of the Earth Is the Best Ever Made

The video was made with images taken by a Russian satellite

Trending Today

America to Same-Sex Couples: Sure, You Can Have Legal Rights, Just Don't Kiss in Front of Us

Americans are in favor of granting legal rights like property inheritance to same-sex couples. They aren't as in favor of public displays of affection.

New Research

Having a Complicated Job Might Help Protect Memory Later in Life

Regardless of your starting IQ, mental function seems to increase or decrease depending on whether your job was challenging or menial

About 25 million years ago, a massive landslide engulfed the area between Beaver and Cedar City, Utah.

New Research

City-Sized Landslides Happened in the Past And Can Happen Again

Utah has a new claim to fame: it was the site of the world's largest known landslide

False-color micrograph of Caenorhabditis elegans

Cool Finds

We’ve Put a Worm’s Mind in a Lego Robot's Body

A wheeled Lego robot may not look like a worm, but it "thinks" like one after programmers gave it the neuron connections in a C. elegans roundworm

An artist's interpretation of the Philae lander separating from Rosetta and landing on the comet.

Trending Today

The Philae Spacecraft Confirmed the Presence of Organic Molecules on the Comet it Landed On

Researchers hope the finding sheds light on how organic molecules might have first arrived on Earth

Pacific bluefin tuna populations have declined by up to 33 percent over the last 20 years.

Trending Today

300+ Species Just Joined the List of Threatened Plants And Animals

Overfishing, overhunting and habitat loss drove many of the new additions

Early images of the vertical occipital fasciculus, a brain region involved in processing visual information

New Research

Neurologists Lost Track of Part of the Human Brain And Just Re-Discovered It

The major pathway in the brain wasn’t exactly missing, but science literature appeared to have forgotten about it until now

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