This is the first time health officials have encountered a Typhoid Mary-like situation for measles
People who frequently take naps tend to die younger than those who don't, according to a new study
While many see the American Dream including a home, not everybody thinks about that home the same way
Researchers in Switzerland just performed the first reconstructive nasal surgery using lab-grown cartilage
Babies can subconsciously remember people they've met, even if they don't remember meeting them
The samples were actually excavated back in 1970, but were set aside because there wasn't a way to analyze them at the time
Walmart's going to give organic food a big push
Researchers found the oldest-known cardiovascular system in a fossilized “shrimp-like” anima
One day with the kids is boon to cognitive performance, but five days is draining
Scientists have no idea how the otters contracted the H1N1 virus, however
The air hasn't been so full of carbon dioxide in, at least, the past 800,000 years
By triggering the expression of a specific gene, the mouse's thymus reversed its aging
The Columbian Mammoth gets caught in the crossfire of the culture wars
Money can't buy you happiness, even if you're a lawyer
As tough as it was on humans, it may have been even harder on the animals who don’t get to curl up in front of the fire
During the peak growing season, the corn belt outproduces the Amazon
Despite video games' bad rep, they might improve a person's strategizing and multi-tasking abilities
William S. Burroughs once said, “Sometimes paranoia’s just having all the facts.”
Two very shy oarfish were seen swimming near the shoreline in Mexico
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