These dogs run for about 100 miles a day for eight or nine days straight
When you taste something, there’s a lot more than your tastebuds at work
How things are, and how things look, aren't always the same thing
The University of California, Davis, has launched a coffee research center, and hopes to offer college degrees in coffee
Specifically, it's the tone of your voice that is sending subtle clues about yourself—true or otherwise
Journey to the Center of Earth
Chemically bonded to minerals in the transition zone, Earth's mantle may be rather wet
Nanuqsaurus hoglund lived above the Arctic circle
People fail to make a correct identification up to 20 percent of the time, at least in the lab
Regardless of their nation's stance on copyright and intellectual property laws, kids are not into others stealing their ideas
Fruit-eating bats can't do their job distributing seeds around the new jungle patch if they're blinded by lights
Life in space is amazing and wonderful and beautiful and awesome, but sometimes it's also really, really annoying
Faking a noise usually reserved for sex makes male peacocks more attractive
Wild Kenyan elephant have learned to identify Maasai men as dangerous threats
Bands are good at walking and running, but lose their accuracy for other types of exercise
That an animal "mates for life" doesn't often mean what you think it means
From "sword throat" to putting a hole in your pharynx, sword swallowing comes with a few risks
Kids compete with Candy Crush and texting for a parental attention
Spider monkey females are basically living together in a feminist commune to escape the aggressive, greedy males
Older adults may be more susceptible to the effects of alcohol on driving performance
Researchers are getting closer to understanding the physics behind this impressive reptilian feat
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