Smart News Science

This is the Lambda Centauri nebula, a star-forming cloud in our Milky Way galaxy, also known as the Running Chicken nebula.

Alpha Centauri Has a Planet

A newly discovered planet circling Alpha Centauri is only four light years away and could point the way to habitable planets nearby

City Birds Are Evolving To Be More Flexible and Assertive Than Their Country Cousins

Animals are adapting to life in the big city

An iceberg floats off the coast of Greenland.

Melting Greenland Ice Has Consequences

Melting Greenland ice could affect ocean circulation patterns, and further spur global warming

Downer News Bums Out Women But Not Men

Bad news delivered through the media increases women's sensitivity to stressful situations, new research finds, but men are immune to such effects

The seven-segmented structure of a GPCR, the class of receptors at the heart of this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Everyone Believed Cell Receptors Existed, But Chemistry Nobelists Figured Out That They Actually Did

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for work that helped to figure out the functioning of cellular receptors

You don’t want this little guy in your brain.

Brain-Invading Amoebas Kill Ten in Pakistan

This lobate ctenophore is another bioluminescent creature that lives off the coast of the Americas.

Bioluminescent Worms Welcomed Columbus to the New World

Before Columbus made landfall in the New World 520 years ago today, glowing green worms engaged in a mating dance may have welcomed him first

Like Salamanders, African Spiny Mice Can Grow New Tails


French Bees Are Making M&M-Contaminated Blue And Green Honey

In France, bees have been turning up with abdomens swollen in colors of blue and green, an unnatural rainbow that was also reflected in their honey

New Zealand’s kakapo

Fossilized Dung Hints That One Endangered Species Might Be the Savior of Another

A black mamba strikes

Black Mamba Venom Beats Morphine as a Painkiller

Black mambas' toxicity turns out to have applications other than rodent-killing


How Mosquitoes Are Out-Smarting Humans

Mosquitoes have figured us out and have started biting during the daytime


For Experts, Cars Really Do Have Faces

A recent study had auto experts look at the fronts of cars, the same area of the brain involved in facial recognition was activated

Fish to Shrink in Warming Waters

Climate change could lead to a sizable drop in fish sizes in coming decades

Fossil Finding Goes High Tech

A new high tech approach to digging in the dirt is helping paleontologists dig smarter: artificial intelligence


DNA Pulled From Maggots’ Guts Used to Identify Deceased Woman

Maggots that resided at the crime scene gave investigators a clue to the deceased's identiy

Comparing the conglomerate outcrop on Mars with a similar structure on Earth.

Curiosity Nails It: Mars Used to Have Flowing Water

Scientists report what they suggest is the best evidence yet that water flowed on Mars

A map of the earthquakes triggered around the globe within a week of the April 2012 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra (white star).

Largest Quake of the Year Crossed Fault Lines, Echoed for a Week


Even Close Subspecies of Migrating Birds Can’t Agree on the Best Route

Scientists in British Columbia attached tiny ‘backpacks’ to birds and mapped their winter migration from Canada to Central America and back again

Dear Florida: Stop Messing With Mating Manatees

But in Florida, residents are being asked to stop bothering manatees while they're trying to get it on

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