A drunken moose got stuck in a tree. But they aren't the only ones who like the product of fermentation
Some species proposed for bioenergy have the potential to become invasive
A fluorescent green cat could help in the fight against AIDS
It's time to speak up: Why do you like science?
A new analysis of a 2-million-year-old hominid shows that it had an intriguing mix of australopithecine and Homo-like traits
These games are fun but also have important lessons to teach about infectious diseases
Researchers believe the hierarchy helps elephants avoid injuries that could result from competing for water
In 185 A.D., someone in China looked up in the night sky and saw a new star
When the Ice Age began, these large mammals spread out to northern Asia and Europe
The issue is more complex than recent headlines have indicated
#5: With 25 billion chickens in the world, there are more of them than any other bird species
These accumulations of sand aren't permanent but are home to whole communities
Flood debris may circulate in ocean gyres for years
There are satellites orbiting overhead, powerful computers and plenty of scientists to make sense of a wealth of data
Katharine Hepburn's Connecticut beach house and 8,900 other homes were swept into the sea
Today's shaking may have been unexpected, but Washington isn't the only unlikely location for an earthquake in the United States
After an oil spill, should people put in the time and effort to clean up wildlife, or would it be better to just let the animals die?
And why is one running loose in California?
Researchers may soon be able to transfer embryos from older cheetahs into younger animals and give them a better chance of success
The ties between same-sex couples can be just as strong as those in heterosexual birds
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