
Trending Today

Denali, Ongtupqa, and Other Native American Names for Landmarks

Mount McKinley was recently renamed Denali, but it's not the only one with a Native American name

New Research

Denmark’s Earliest Kings Were Also Pirates

Viking piracy laid the groundwork for the Danish monarchy

Coming Soon: Helmets Made From Carrots

A Scottish company has created a biodegradable material from carrot pulp that could be used in protective sports gear

Get a Hole-In-One at the Most Eye-Catching Mini-Golf Courses Across the Country

These beautifully designed mini-golf courses are worth a second look

Cool Finds

Teenage Girls Have Led Language Innovation for Centuries

They've been on the cutting edge of the English language since at least the 1500s

New Research

Feeling Small in the Face of Nature Makes People More Generous

Awe, yeah

Dried fruit powder will keep for up to two years.

Swedish Designers Are Turning Fruits and Veggies Into a Nonperishable Powder

The dried and powdered produce, called FoPo, could become a staple in disaster relief

Cool Finds

How Emojis Could Help People With Food Allergies

Bread emoji. Disappointed face emoji.

Half of Devil's Kettle Falls plunges underground — then simply disappears

Cool Finds

The Mystery of Minnesota's Disappearing River

Half a river is missing in the Judge C.R. Magney State Park

Screenshot from "A Wild Hare"

What Gives Bugs Bunny His Lasting Power?

From the moment of his first “What’s Up, Doc?” in 1940, the trickster hare has topped the list of great cartoon characters

Cool Finds

Explore This Map of 13 Centuries' Worth of English Metaphors

How long ago did English speakers start linking chickens with fearfulness?

Pluto as seen by New Horizons on July 13, when the spacecraft was about 476,000 miles from the surface.

The New Horizons Probe Has Made Its Closest Approach to Pluto

Mission scientists have received the confirmation signal that the pre-programmed event went as planned and the craft is healthy

Cool Finds

This is What Happened When an Australian City Gave Trees Email Addresses

Trees get fan mail and even write back to Melburnian residents

Trending Today

Summer Jobs May Be a Thing of the Past

Fewer than one third of American teens snag summer employment

Cool Finds

How George Washington Did His Hair

Despite the powder and curls it wasn't a wig at all

Starting New York Giants catcher John Tortes "Chief" Meyers in an unspecified game against the female team in 1913.

Cool Finds

Amateur Women's Baseball Teams Existed as Early as 1866

They typically challenged local a men’s teams to play

New Research

Reading Harry Potter Might Make You a Better Person

Young readers who identify with the Boy Who Lived may grow up to be more tolerant.

New Research

Yet Another Reason Not to Smoke: It Gives Superbugs Superpowers

Antibiotic resistant bacteria even more resistant in the presence of cigarette smoke

Trending Today

The Navajo Nation Will Have the First Junk Food Tax in the U.S.

The Navajo National Council approved a 2 percent increase in sales tax on foods like pastries, fried foods, desserts, chips and soda

Volunteer Rosheka Robinson serves plates of food to guests at Sister Jean's Kitchen in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Smart Startup

This App Recommends Volunteer Opportunities Based on the News You Read

Ideal Impact connects people that show an interest in a particular cause with organizations that could use their help

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