United States

Moon glowing over Red Castle Lake, High Uintas Wilderness

High Uintas Wilderness

Alpine ecosystem, numerous birds and colorful quartzite

Boulders in front of Guadalupe Mountains

Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness

Exposed fossil reef, rough hiking and extreme weather

The Eagle Branch of Citico Creek, Tennessee

Citico Creek Wilderness

Virgin forest, Unicoi Mountains and steep-walled valleys

Fauna on the plains of Badlands Wilderness Area

Badlands Wilderness

Coyotes, bighorn sheep, mixed-grass prairies and fossil-filled canyons

The Congaree National Park Visitor Center boardwalk

Congaree National Park Wilderness

Hardwood forests, Southeastern woodpeckers and floodplains

Canoers in Allegheny Islands Wilderness Area

Allegheny Islands Wilderness

Seven islands, placid-water canoeing, turkey buzzards and songbirds

Clouds form over mountains on Admiralty Island

Kootznoowoo Wilderness

Brown bears, coastal forests, rocky spires

Mt. Regan and Sawtooth Lake, Sawtooth Wilderness

Sawtooth Wilderness

Clean air, jagged peaks and alpine lakes

Foot bridge over Opal Creek, Oregon

Opal Creek Wilderness

Lush mosses, ancient trees and scenic vantage points

Charon Gardens Wilderness Area, Oklahoma

Charon's Garden Wilderness Area, Wichita Mountains

Rock-climbing, bison and granite canyons

West Sister Island, Ohio's only wilderness area

West Sister Island

Shady hackberry trees, WWII history and great blue herons

Young American White Pelicans at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, or Chase Lake Wilderness

Chase Lake Wilderness

More than 30,000 white pelicans and an isolated alkali lake

Wildcat Falls at Slickrock Creek, Joyce-Kilmer Slickrock Wilderness

Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness

Old-growth forest, 60 miles of trail, herbaceous plants

Twilight, Otis Pike Fire Island High Dune Wilderness

Otis Pike Fire Island High Dune Wilderness

White beaches, grassy wetlands and waterfowl

Whitewater Canyon, Gila Wilderness

Gila Wilderness

High mesas, juniper woodland, hot springs

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

Extensive wetlands, cattail marshes and rare bog turtles

Pemigewasset Wilderness in New Hampshire

Pemigewasset Wilderness

Expansive views, ragged peaks and mixed forest of hardwood and conifer

Grapevine Canyon in Nevada, Death Valley Wilderness

Death Valley Wilderness

Vast fields of shimmering sand dunes, nocturnal creatures and extreme temperatures

A bison roaming Fort Niobrara Wilderness

Fort Niobrara Wilderness

Rolling sand hills, roaming bison, prairie and wooded valleys

The Gates of the Mountains in Helena National Forest

Gates of the Mountains Wilderness

The Lewis and Clark Trail, gray limestone and big horn sheep

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