Ancient Egypt

A detailed image of the baby crocodiles inside the mummy.

Crocodile Mummy Found Packed With Dozens of Smaller Crocodile Mummies

The little critters escaped notice until high-powered modern scanners tackled the mummified remains

Sarah Parcak

Space Archaeologist Sarah Parcak Uses Satellites to Uncover Ancient Egyptian Ruins

The Indiana Jones of low Earth orbit harnesses 21st-century technology to uncover long-buried treasures

Why Was King Tut's Tomb Prepared in Such a Rush?

When archeologists discovered mold formations in King Tut's tomb, they worried the sweat and breath of tourists were the cause

Archaeologists Detect Two Previously Unknown Cavities Beneath Giza’s Great Pyramid

But don't get too excited just yet

New DNA Analysis Shows How Cats Spread Around the World

Felines spread in two waves including moving around Europe on Viking ships, according to researchers

This image shows a scrap of the indigo-dyed fabric (right) and a diagram of the cloth (left), highlighting the blue stripes.

Earliest Evidence of Indigo Dye Found at Ancient Peruvian Burial Site

The dyed fabrics represent the earliest known use of indigo in the world, predating Egyptian samples by about 1,600 years

Ancient Egyptian Stories Will Be Published in English for the First Time

Translated from hieroglyphics on monuments, tombs and papyri, the book will present tales few outside of academia have read

Tree Rings Help Circle in on Dating Pre-History Events

Solar flares create spikes in the Carbon-14 of woody plants that can provide anchor years for more accurate dating of artifacts

Amphora that were cargo of a ship that sank in the Greek archipelago of Fourni

New Discoveries Double the Size of Ancient Greek Shipwreck Graveyard

Researcher in the Fourni archipelago found 23 ships dating between 525 B.C. and 1850

Rachel Kalisher, a member of the physical anthropology team, measures a 10th-9th century BC skeleton

New Dig Shows the Philistines Weren’t Such Philistines

A graveyard containing over 200 sets of remains is giving researchers their first deep look into the little-known biblical tribe

Geoarchaeologist Proposes There Was a "World War Zero"

Could an alliance among the "Luwians" have helped caused the collapse of eastern Mediterranean civilizations 3,200 years ago?

An Israeli Brewery Recreated a 2,000-Year-Old Beer

Beer brewed as in Biblical times

The interior of an ancient Egyptian tomb.

3,400-Year-Old Necropolis Hints at Ancient Egyptian Life

Dozens of tombs and a temple were uncovered in an ancient quarry

Ramesses III and his son in the afterlife

CT Scan Shows Pharoah Ramesses III Was Murdered by Multiple Assassins

A missing toe reveals that the god-king was killed by more than one plotter

Detail from King Tut's throne

New Evidence Shows King Tut's Tomb May Have Its Own Chamber of Secrets

Scans in the boy-king's tomb reveal there may be two rooms beyond its walls that contain metal and organic objects

The secretly-made 3D scan of Nefertiti's bust.

Thanks to Sneaky Scanners, Anyone Can 3D Print a Copy of Nefertiti’s Bust

Scans of the famous sculpture are free for the taking

An archeologist surveys the in-progress excavation of an approximately 4,500-year-old boat.

Archeologists Find a Rare 4,500-Year-Old Egyptian Funerary Boat

The watercraft is so well preserved that it still has the pegs, ropes and plant fibers that once held it together

Digital Projections Show the Vivid Colors That Once Decorated an Egyptian Temple

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is adding a bright flourish to the Temple of Dendur

Egyptian Museum Employees Face Fines for Botched Repair on King Tut's Mask

An accident knocked the beard off the boy king's distinctive mask, prompting a hasty repair

An Underwater Museum in Egypt Could Bring Thousands of Sunken Relics Into View

The proposed site might revive tourism in Alexandria and also further research into the ancient ruins

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