
Photo of James Rosenquist


Pop artist James Rosenquist returns to the limelight with a dazzling retrospective of his larger-than-life works

"Olmec butterfly" rug by Isaac Vasquez of Oaxaca

Dream Weavers

In the Mexican village of Teotitlán, gifted artisans create a future from bright hand-loomed rugs


Matisse & Picasso

As a new exhibition makes clear, these friends and rivals spurred each other to change the course of 20th-century art

A New York residence designed by Lin is adaptable, "like origami or a transformer toy," says the architect in her studio with Ranch the cat.

Monumental Achievement

Our 2002 profile of architect Maya Lin that marked the 20th year of the Vietnam Memorial

American Will Thompson (with his take on Goya's Young Woman with a Fan) has been copying at the Louvre since 1994.

Master Class

Like generations of painters before them, artists from around the globe go to Paris to copy the masterpieces at the Louvre

Edgar Degas rarely painted a pure still life, but he often included still lifes in the backgrounds or corners of his compositions. In The Millinery Shop (1882-86), the hats—their shapes, textures and colors—take center stage; the figure is merely an accessory.

Still Delightful

A sumptuous show documents how the Impressionists breathed new life into the staid tradition of still life painting


Turning Point

New Yorkers didn't much care for the twin towers until a nimble Frenchman named Philippe Petit danced across a wire between them


Minding the "Milkstone"

When works of art are pollen and rice, and even milk, the Hirshhorn Museum gives them extra-special care


Imagining the Orient

A new exhibition explores the potent mystique of the Near East and its sway on American Art and Culture

"The Stormy Petrel of American Art"

Rockwell Kent was a master of bucolic landscapes, but his contentious politics earned him the nickname

The Ferengi (left) and Borg (right) designs, both developed by Westmore for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Beauty and the Beasts

Coming from a long line of tortured but brilliant makeup artists, Michael Westmore has put the past behind him, boldly going where no one has gone before


Hawaii's Vanished Birds

For the National Zoological Park, an artist depicts the diversity of the islands' extinct avian species


Jacques-Louis David

Painting martyrs and producing state funerals and pageants, the artist fueled France's bloody revolutionary fervor


Olowe of Ise--Sculptor to Kings


The Art of Stanley Spencer

The famous sculptor in 1925.

Aristide Maillol: The Sculptor, The Man and His Muse

The eminent artist's last model, Dina Vierny, has dedicated herself to preserving and perpetuating the legacy of his life's work


John Barrymore: a Profile in Just About Everything

A great actor, a shameless ham; an athlete, a drunk; a ladies' man, one of the boys-- the madcap Jack had as many faces as roles


The Object at Hand

Edmonia Lewis' masterwork, a portrayal of Cleopatra at the moment of death, included stints in a Chicago saloon and as a grave marker for a racehorse


When France Was Home to African-American Artists

Everything was open to them in postwar Paris, as a new exhibit in New York proves


Walk This Trail to See What Inspired the American Impressionist Painters

Bought on a whim for the price of a painting, J. Alden Weir's farm, now a National Historic Site, became a place to redefine American art

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