Cool Finds

Some of the threads discovered at Must Farms are the width of a human hair.

This Ball of Thread Is 3,000 Years Old

If it is simply held in the wrong way, the priceless artifact could crumble to pieces

A brittle star swimming over a field of polymetallic nodules

Future Deep Sea Mining Sites Are Bursting With Rare Marine Species

The area is full of rare metals, but a new study shows it's a hub for deep-sea diversity, too

The "Bee and Bee" at the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver, Canada is made from materials gathered from urban gardens across the city and woven together with found pieces of ivy, wool, and leaves.

Forget the Hive, Now Wild Bees Can Check in to These Swanky Hotels

Don't six-legged guests also deserve the best bang for their buzz?

The Great Blue Hole, a 354-foot deep cavern and popular dive site in Belize's Lighthouse Reef

Explore Some of the World's Deepest Blue Holes

The Dragon Hole in the South China Sea is now the "world's deepest" underwater sinkhole. Learn why these geologic wonders form in oceans around the globe

"UnderLA" brings projections of the Earth's lithology to a concrete-bound stretch of the Los Angeles River.

A New Installation Turns the L.A. River Into Art

The river’s surreal landscape is the perfect place to make a statement about water use

Piccadilly Circus, circa 1949.

Tour the London of Yore With a Gigantic New Photo Map

The London Picture Map brings an old city to new life

Sojourner Truth, tech pioneer.

How Sojourner Truth Used Photography to Help End Slavery

The groundbreaking orator embraced newfangled technology to make her message heard

An image of a nebula used in "The Hubble Cantata."

The Cosmos Sings in This Fusion of Astrophysics and Music

<i>The Hubble Cantata</i> brings the stars down to earth

A tin jar containing what may be 340-year-old cheese recovered from the Kronan shipwreck.

Gouda Find: Divers Discover 340-Year-Old Dairy Product in Shipwreck

One researcher compared the scent to a mixture of yeast and a type of unpasteurized cheese called Roquefort

The purple orb, which may be a new species of nudibranch

Researchers Find Mysterious Purple Orb in the Channel Islands

The creature stumped the team and could be a new species

Migaloo and a companion in 2005.

Track the Whereabouts of This Rare White Whale on Twitter

These beautiful creatures have long delighted those lucky enough to catch a glimpse

Pictographs at Newspaper Rock, Utah

Why Ancestral Puebloans Honored People With Extra Digits

New research shows having extra toes or fingers was a revered trait among people living in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

Civil Rights icon John Lewis tells his life story in March, the bestselling graphic novel.

Civil Rights Legend John Lewis Won a Prestigious Comic Book Award

With <i>March</i>, Lewis brings his life story to a whole new generation

Maratus bubo

Stunning Images Capture Peacock Spiders’ Flashy Colors

Beautiful and acrobatic, these tiny, vibrant creatures shake their tail fuzz in elaborate mating dances

The cave is supported by six pillars hewn from the same rock.

Archaeologists Are Trying to Digitally Preserve an Ancient Cave Before It's Demolished

The 5th-century cave is in the way of an airport expansion

Data from the Viking biology experiments, which is stored on microfilm, has to be accessed using a microfilm reader.

NASA Is Finally Digitizing the Viking Mission's 40-Year-Old Data

No more microfilm

Athletes with Down Syndrome compete in the first-ever Olympic-style competition for people with the condition.

Italy Just Hosted the First Olympics-Like Competition for People With Down Syndrome

The unique competition drew 1,000 athletes

This App Puts a Museum in Your Phone

Get out and get some culture with a newly released app that gives art a smart spin

Museum Unveils Henry VIII's Flagship

The <i>Mary Rose</i> sank almost 500 years ago, but following more than 30 years of restoration, the remains of the warship are open to the public

A researcher examines inscriptions by 16th century Europeans in a cave on Mona Island

Cave Graffiti Shows Natives and Europeans Had Early Dialogue in the Caribbean

Cave art from both Taíno people and Spanish explorers in a cave on Mona Island shows the two had some early cultural understanding

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