Cool Finds

Paintings Have Become Increasingly Blue

Move over, orange: modern art is all about hues of blue


Meet a Hermit Crab Who Has Shacked Up in a Lego

Weird things can become home sweet home when you are a tiny soft crustacean

The newfound ruins could outshine their neighbor, the underground city of Derinkuyu (pictured).

Archaeologists Unfold World's Largest Underground City in Turkey

Archaeologists find evidence to believe a site just discovered in 2012 could be a complex subsurface labyrinth

Army Avrocars depicted as "flying jeeps" in company literature

Early Flying Machines Were Just Weird

There’s a reason most designs didn’t stick around

Saturday’s Lunar Eclipse Will Be The Shortest This Century

Will you spot this weekend's "blood moon"?

Test Tube Burgers Get a $324,989 Price Cut

The scientists behind lab-grown meat think they can soon offer it at a price most of us can actually afford

NYC Has So Many Coyotes Living There, They've Started Going to Bars

New York's urban coyote population is booming — this week, one even ended up on top of a Long Island bar.

The historic 1910 Fiat S76 rides!

A Racing Car Built in 1910 Roars to Life Once More

It was unofficially the fastest car in its time and still impresses today

A Group of Endangered Orcas Has Gotten Busy Making Babies

Southern Resident killer whales have been on the decline, but new babies bring hope for the future

Here’s What the Apostles Ate at the Last Supper

Beans, charoset, and unleavened bread

Why the ESA’s Astronauts Train Underground

The European Space Agency is applying protocols from the International Space Station in caves

Houston, We Might Have Some Major Problems Making Babies in Space

From risky pregnancies to birth defects to problems with inbreeding, it just seems like a bad idea

This Onion Will Never Make You Cry

A Japanese food company has designed an onion that won't make you cry

Screenshot from "Macro Timelapse" at Natural Recall

Growing Plants Have Never Looked So Gruesome

All it takes is a slight shift of perspective to realize plants are far from inanimate

Isaac Newton’s Laundry List of Sin

The famous physicist kept a catalog of very human transgressions

There Are Communities of People Who Call Themselves Vampires

"Their self-described nature begins to manifest around or just after puberty"

Men and Women See Things Differently (No, Literally)

Color perception may actually have something to do with gender

The rooftop garden and colonnade at the Museum of Jurassic Technology.

Inside Los Angeles's Strangest Museum

Enter the dark and completely unique world of the Museum of Jurassic Technology

A Tired Brain Could Actually Be More Creative

The wandering thoughts brought on by fatigue can lead to insight

How a Stinging Swarm of Bees Can Save a Life

Bee venom might be a potent medicine

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