Cool Finds

Illustration of Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria

Could a Morning-After Pill Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections?

San Francisco has formally recommended doxyPEP, which works like Plan B but targets STIs

Äpplet, port side by lower gun deck

Archaeologists Discover Lost 17th-Century Warship 'Äpplet' in Sweden

It is the sister ship to the famous 'Vasa,' which sank within minutes of setting sail

Peter Paul Rubens' Salome Presented With the Head of John the Baptist was lost for centuries.

Lost Rubens Painting, Rediscovered After Two Centuries, Could Sell for $35 Million

A French family found the masterpiece in their collection in 1987

Barge 129 loading coal

Unusual 120-Year-Old Whaleback Shipwreck Discovered in Lake Superior

"Barge 129" was the last undiscovered whaleback wreck in the Great Lakes

Researchers used multispectral imaging to reveal the hidden text (which is traced in yellow above).

A Medieval Manuscript Has Revealed the Oldest Known Map of the Stars

Advanced imaging uncovered part of the Greek astronomer Hipparchus’ long-lost star catalog

An illustration of a Neanderthal father and his daughter

Ancient DNA Reveals the First Known Neanderthal Family

The lived with a small community in a Siberian cave some 54,000 years ago

Ruins found under an old deparment store may be from the friary of St. Saviours, which was founded by a Dominican order of monks in about 1256, but its exact location had always been a mystery.

Human Remains May Have Revealed the Site of a Medieval Friary

Archaeologists uncovered nearly 300 skeletons and other artifacts from beneath an old Welsh department store

Researchers excavating a large wooden post

Ancient Maya Salt Makers Worked From Home, Too

Archaeologists in Belize have found 1,500-year-old salt kitchens attached to workers' homes

The 44 solid gold coins dating back to the Byzantine era were discovered at the Hermon Stream Nature Reserve.

These Gold Coins Were Stashed in a Stone Wall Nearly 1,400 Years Ago

Archaeologists found the 44 Byzantine-era coins during excavations in the Golan Heights

The S.S. Mesaba

The Ship That Tried to Warn the Titanic Has Been Found

Scientists discovered the S.S. Mesaba in the Irish Sea—with the help of multibeam sonar

A different page from the Beauvais Missal, a manuscript created in the late 13th century

Man Pays $75 for Medieval Text That Could Be Worth $10,000

He spotted the page from the 13th-century Beauvais Missal at an estate sale in Maine

Ruins of Tikal, where researchers found high concentrations of mercury 

Ancient Maya Cities Were Polluted With High Levels of Mercury

The concentrations at some dig sites could be hazardous for today's archaeologists

The pink granite sarcophagus of Ptah-M-Wia, an important official during the reign of Ramses II

Sarcophagus of Ramses II's Chief Treasurer Discovered at Saqqara

Egyptian archaeologists unearthed the empty, 3,200-year-old coffin of Ptah-M-Wia, a high-ranking New Kingdom official

Some of the 14th-century B.C.E. vessels found at the Tel Yehud burial site

Archaeologists Discover Evidence of Earliest Known Opium Use

At a burial site in Israel, pottery from the 14th century B.C.E. contained traces of the drug

Palestinian farmer Salman al-Nabahin cleans the mosaic he uncovered in Gaza.

Palestinian Farmer Unearths Byzantine-Era Mosaic While Planting Olive Trees

The stunning, colorful flooring depicts 17 iconographies of birds and animals


The Remarkable Effort to Locate America's Lost Patents

An 1836 blaze destroyed thousands of records that catalogued the young nation's ingenuity, but recent discoveries indicate that originals may still exist

The Gogo fish fossil 

World's Oldest Vertebrate Fossil Heart Found in Australia

The 380-million-year-old heart came from a prehistoric fish that is our earliest jawed ancestor

Barnaby Domigan with the giant earthworm

Nine-Year-Old Finds a Three-Foot-Long Earthworm in His Backyard

The New Zealand boy named the creature “Dead Fred”

An anonymous couple found the trove of coins while renovating their house in 2019.

U.K. Couple Finds Rare Gold Coins During Home Renovations

The money pieces, which date from 1610 to 1727, are expected to fetch as much as $288,000 at auction next month

Paleontologists uncovered vertebrae and ribs from an enormous sauropod in Portugal.

Portuguese Man Accidentally Finds 82-Foot-Long Dinosaur in His Backyard

Scientists say this could be the largest specimen ever discovered in Europe

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