Cool Finds

Workers discovered a trove of rare gold coins, pictured here, in the walls of a historic French mansion in 2019. Now, the coins are going up for auction.

Trove of 239 Rare Gold Coins Discovered in Walls of French Mansion

Renovators discovered a hidden box and pouch stuffed with rare gold coins, minted during the reigns of French Kings Louis XIII and Louis XIV

In Paul Henry’s own words, he hoped to capture “the very soul of Ireland” in his paintings.

Rare Impressionist Landscapes Found in Storage Unit Could Sell for $60,000

Created by artist Paul Henry, the oil paintings depict the Irish countryside

Two looted gold coins recovered from a home in Bnei Brak

Israeli Investigators Seize Ancient Coins Looted From Archaeological Sites

The stolen artifacts were found in the Bnei Brak home of an individual suspected of antiquities trafficking

Archaeologists hope the flowers will shed new light on rituals conducted by the ancient residents of Teotihuacán.

1,800-Year-Old Flower Bouquets Found in Tunnel Beneath Teotihuacán Pyramid

The well-preserved plants were likely used in a ritual ceremony

The wine press dates to the Byzantine period.

Byzantine-Era Wine Press, Gold Coin Found Near Tel Aviv

The 1,400-year-old currency shows Golgotha, identified as the site of Jesus's crucifixion, on one of its sides

The excavation site lies next to Holy Trinity Church in the English village of Cookham.

Lost Monastery Run by Early Medieval Queen Discovered in England

Cynethryth ruled alongside her husband, King Offa of Mercia, during the seventh century C.E.

Inscription mentioning renovation of the settlement's hospital

Ancient Christian Settlement in Egypt Shows Evidence of Urban Planning

Dated to the sixth century C.E., the Marea complex boasted public baths and a hospital

The metals oxidized over time, creating an enormous mass of coins.

Israeli Tour Guide on Camping Trip Discovers 1,700-Year-Old Coins

The cache of currency, melded together over the centuries, weighs 13 pounds

Adults in ancient Rome were typically cremated, making the well-preserved skeleton an an unusual find.

Roman Priest's Exceptionally Well-Preserved Remains Found in Pompeii

Marcus Venerius Secundio died in his 60s decades before Mount Vesuvius' eruption in 79 C.E.

The key handle depicts a "barbarian" fending off a lion as four young onlookers watch in horror.

Did Officials in Roman Britain Throw Condemned Prisoners to the Lions?

A key handle unearthed in Leicester suggests executions in imperial colonies involved wild animals

The 1,900-year-old segment dates to the early stages of the wall's construction.

Overlooked Section of Hadrian's Wall Discovered Beneath Busy Newcastle Street

Routine work in the English city revealed a ten-foot stretch of the barrier that once marked the Roman Empire's northwest frontier

This iron dagger's well-preserved wooden handle may help researchers date artifacts found in Konthagai.

Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Dagger Linked to Enigmatic Indian Civilization

A blade found in the state of Tamil Nadu offers new evidence of an urban center that thrived as long as 2,500 years ago

Radiocarbon dating suggests the workshop began minting operations between 640 and 550 B.C.E.

World's Oldest Known Coin Mint Found in China

The 2,600-year-old site produced highly standardized "spade money," possibly on government orders

Students from Cardiff University collaborated with archaeologists to excavate the mound on Soulton Hall's grounds.

Mysterious Mound at English Manor May Conceal Remains of Medieval Castle

Archaeologists at Soulton Hall have unearthed sandstone walls and trinkets likely left behind by religious pilgrims

The first verse of the Book of Amos states that the events the narrator plans to relay took place “two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah.”

Researchers Find Physical Evidence of Earthquake Described in Old Testament

Excavations in Jerusalem revealed damage dating to the eighth century B.C.E., when the natural disaster reportedly took place

Researchers uncovered the remains in the Umm Jirsan lava tube in Saudi Arabia.

Hyenas Hoarded Thousands of Human, Animal Bones in Saudi Arabian Lava Tube

The huge stockpile includes camel, rodent and cattle remains

“With this new tablet, we can actually see for the first time why they were interested in geometry: to lay down precise land boundaries,” says researcher Daniel Mansfield.

Babylonians Used Applied Geometry 1,000 Years Before Pythagoras

Calculations inscribed on a clay tablet helped ancient people document property boundaries, new research suggests

The gold and garnet pyramid mount found in Norfolk, England

Amateur Treasure Hunter in England Discovers Early Medieval Sword Pyramid

On par with specimens found at nearby Sutton Hoo, the tiny accessory likely helped a lord or king keep their weapon sheathed

The Romans invaded and occupied Son Catlar around 123 B.C.E.

Trove of Roman Weapons Unearthed at Ancient Settlement in Spain

Son Catlar, a Talayotic site on the Balearic Islands, is known for its well-preserved fortifications

The cave paintings are located in the Aravalli mountain range in northwestern India.

These Millennia-Old Cave Paintings May Be Among India's Oldest

Locals have known about the artworks for generations, but government archaeologists only began documenting them this summer

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