
This rugged group of six islands off the tip of Dingle Peninsula seems particularly close to the soul of Ireland.

Ireland's Blasket Islands

On these six islands off the tip of the Dingle Peninsula, traditions of ancient Gaelic culture still survive


Celebrating St. Patrick

On March 17, everyone's green-even the Chicago River. Yet St. Patrick remains colored in myth


Ireland Unleashed

A booming economy has fueled prosperity, transforming a society long burdened by oppression and poverty

As the natives got ready to serve
A midget explorer named Merve;
"This meal will be brief,"
Said the cannibal chief,
"For this is at best an hors d'oeuvre."
—Ed Cunningham

The Limerick is Furtive and Mean...

From the Maigue poets to Ogden Nash, witty wordsmiths have delighted in composing the oft-risqué five-line verses

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