An artist's rendition of Kepler, on the hunt for planets like our own.

Visit Kepler's Exoplanets—And Don't Worry About the Natives (At Least for Now)

NASA has made a set of travel posters themed to exoplanets while a nonprofit searches for life among them

This image, created by a telescope called NuSTAR, is the most detailed of the sun using high-energy rays to date, according to NASA.

NASA Uses X-Rays to Find Out Why the Sun Is So Hot

The image will help scientists decide whether mini-flares make the sun's atmosphere hotter than the surface itself

This false-color composite image shows meteors streaking through the skies over NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., on the night of Jan. 3-4, 2012.

Ring in 2015 With the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

The annual Quadrantid meteor shower peaks this weekend

Scientists crouch with mock-ups of three generations of Mars rovers. Curiosity is the big one. Opportunity and Spirit were based on the medium-sized one on the left. The small one is front was the Sojourner rover.

NASA's Opportunity Rover Has Developed Robot Dementia

A problem with Opportunity's hardware means it only has short-term memory

Never Mind Mars, What About a Trip to Venus First?

There's a serious proposal to send astronauts to a floating cloud city in Venus's atmosphere before heading to Mars

The view out of the Soyuz window.

If You Looked Out the Window While Returning From Space, Here’s What You’d See

The bright glow of friction in Earth's atmosphere

One of the line items in the new budget is funding for a mission to Jupiter's moon Europa.

NASA Could Actually Get a Budget Boost Next Year

The pending budget will give NASA even more money than they asked for

Enthusiasts examining the patch for NROL-35 think the trident, fire and breeze through the character’s hair might represent the elements—water, fire and wind. “What that has to do with the actual payload, however, is anyone’s guess,” says space historian Robert Pearlman.

The Creepy, Kitschy and Geeky Patches of US Spy Satellite Launches

There may be method to the madness behind the outlandish designs of the National Reconnaissance Office mission patches

The United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy Rocket lifts off with the Orion spacecraft for its first test flight

A Successful First Flight For NASA's Orion Spacecraft

American spaceflight enters a new era

The Orion capsule idles on the pad atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket just minutes after the launch was canceled.

A Wayward Boat And Other Disruptions Delay Test of NASA's Newest Spaceship

Orion's quest for space will have to wait until tomorrow

A still under construction Orion space capsule at the Michoud Assembly Facility in 2012.

Welcome to the Next Era of NASA Mars

NASA's long-distance crew capsule, Orion, will get its first test flight tomorrow

You can't spend your way out of this one, America

NASA Is Turning Black Friday Into "Black Hole Friday"

Because, in the end, even great savings won't save you from a singularity

Astronaut Charles "Pete" Conrad sets up the American flag on the Moon during Apollo 12 on November 19, 1969.

How NASA Censored Dirty-Mouthed Astronauts

NASA really didn't want astronauts swearing on air

When Scott Kelly (right) goes to the International Space Station in 2015, he and his twin brother Mark (left) will participate in tests to study how spaceflight affects the body.

With An Eye To Mars, NASA is Testing its Astronaut Twins

Scott and Mark Kelly, the only twins to have traveled in space, are embarking on a mission to help NASA prepare for Mars

Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo is seen gliding back to Earth after its first test flight in 2010.

Past Transit Tragedies Point to a Way Forward for Virgin Galactic

From a fatal Apollo fire to the sinking of the <em>Titanic</em>, history has a few lessons following last week’s spaceflight disasters

The now non-existent Antares rocket sits on the launch pad at Wallops Flight Facility on October 26, 2014.

The Antares Rocket Explosion Wasn't Orbital Sciences' First Big Malfunction

Orbital Sciences has lost some of NASA's gear before, because going to space is really, really hard

An earlier launch of one of Orbital Science's Antares rockets from Wollops, April 21, 2013.

Reminder: Keep Your Boat AWAY From NASA's Rocket Launches

A mission to the ISS was cancelled because of a wayward boat

From Lightning on Jupiter to Apollo 13's Call for Help, Hear Some of NASA's Greatest Recordings

An audio archive captures some iconic moments of space history

Curiosity is able to take pictures of itself on Mars using a camera mounted to its robotic arm. This mosaic was made from 55 snapshots taken in October 2012.

An Insider's Biography of a Celebrity Mars Rover

The chief engineer for Curiosity offers a peek at the NASA rover’s tumultuous rise to stardom in a new tell-all book

The giant Herschel Crater gives Saturn’s moon Mimas an ominous look.

A Mysterious Force is Acting on Saturn’s “Death Star” Moon

Tiny, cratered Mimas is wobbling way more than it should be, hinting that it might contain either an oddly shaped core or a subsurface ocean

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