National Zoo
Nikki the Bear Lost 110 Pounds on the National Zoo Diet
When Nikki the spectacled Bear came to the National Zoo in December 2006, he looked more like Winnie the Pooh than Smokey the Bear
Then and Now: Easter Monday at the National Zoo
Two decades after the White House began its Easter Egg Roll tradition in 1878, the National Zoo started one of its own
National Zoo Celebrates Birth of Rare Clouded Leopards
Notoriously difficult to breed, two new clouded leopards are born at the National Zoo’s research facility
The National Zoo Diet
Six-o-clock in the morning is when the action begins at the National Zoo. Think you’re grumpy without breakfast?
Whistling Orangutan at the National Zoo
National Zoo's Bonnie is the first ever case of a primate imitating a sound from another species without training
Doe (a Deer, a Female Deer) Born at the Zoo
An Eld's Deer joins the National Zoo family
Sleep Over Party at the Zoo
Are you a Washingtonian who likes to camp? Try urban camping in the mock wild, at Smithsonian's National Zoo
At the National Zoo, Guess Who
We were born on July 17th at the Smithsonian's National Zoo
On the Job: Zoo Veterinarian
Suzan Murray talks about making house calls at the nation’s zoo
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