New Research

Artist's impression of the simultaneous stellar eclipse and planetary transit events on Kepler-1647. Such a double eclipse event is known as a syzygy.

This Jupiter-Sized Planet Is the Largest Found Orbiting Two Suns

Any orbiting moons could be habitable—but scientists have yet to spot them

Observations for the study were taken from the Mauna Loa Observatory atop one of Hawaii Island's five volcanoes.

Earth’s Carbon Dioxide Levels Surpass Long-Feared Milestone

Say goodbye to 400 ppm—and hello to Earth's new atmospheric reality

Bronze Buckle Shows Ancient Trade Between Eurasia and North America

Metal objects found on Alaska's Seward Peninsula indicate that local people received trade goods from Asia almost 1,000 years ago

Visitors sit in front of Petra's famous temple at night. Nearby, Google Earth and drones helped researchers find a previously undiscovered platform probably used for ceremonial purposes.

Archaeologists Find Gigantic Ancient Monument in Jordan

In the ancient city of Petra, Google Earth and drones helped uncover remnants of a platform the size of an Olympic swimming pool

This Tropical Fish Can Be Taught to Recognize Human Faces

New study trained fish to spit at human faces

The Castle Bravo test at Bikini Atoll was more than 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima.

The Marshall Islands Are Becoming Less Nuclear

A new study finds that the abandoned nuclear test sites aren't much more radioactive than Central Park

Science Proves Electric Eels Can Leap From Water to Attack

Biologists confirm the curious case of eels striking animals above the water's surface

Dogs: more complicated than you ever imagined.

Ruff News: Man’s Best Friend May Have Been Domesticated Twice

Where did Fido come from? It’s complicated

Light- and dark-colored peppered moths. The black variety is thought to have evolved to camouflage moths on sooty surfaces during the Industrial Revolution.

New Evidence Shows Peppered Moths Changed Color in Sync With the Industrial Revolution

Scientists used “jumping genes” as a time machine to track down changes in moths’ appearance

Neanderthals Built Mysterious Stalagmite Semicircles

But why?

Hanqing Jiang (left) and his students, Wenwen Xu and Xu Wang, with their supercapacitor materials

This Edible Supercapacitor Could Transform Ingestible Electronics

The materials for a new electronic component that could power a tiny camera sound more like breakfast than science

Does Snot Help Dolphins Echolocate?

The cetaceans can perform acoustic gymnastics, but how they produce ultrasonic noises has long eluded scientists

Poverty doesn't just affect a child's chances for the future—it appears to change poor kids' very DNA.

Poverty Linked to DNA Changes That Could Lead to Mental Illness

Could a better understanding of the biomarkers of lower socieconomic status help raise kids out of poverty?

An ad looking for a woman named Fanny who escaped  along with her daughter. The 7-year-old girl is described as a mulatto, which could suggest she is the daughter of the slaveowner seeking them out.

An Archive of Fugitive Slave Ads Sheds New Light on Lost Histories

Wanted ads posted by slave owners reveal details of life under slavery

Scarlet tanager

Where Red Birds Get Their Vibrant Hues

Two studies identify the same gene that makes red birds crimson—and perhaps helps them shed toxins, too

A scene from "Ice Age" rendered through ta computer algorithm to look like an animated painting.

This Computer Algorithm Transforms Movies Into Breathtaking Works of Art

These neural networks can make any moving image into a masterpiece from Picasso to van Gogh

'Sleeping' Birch Trees Rest Their Branches at Night

Using laser scans of trees in Finland and Austria, researchers tracked interesting arboreal behavior

Paradoxically, food aid can cause game like the black curassow to be overhunted.

What's the Best Way to Help the Amazon's Indigenous People?

Can a pioneering computer model save the rainforest's residents from our best intentions?

Environmental cues mosquitoes to swarm inside a lab.

Kill All the Mosquitoes?!

New gene-editing technology gives scientists the ability to wipe out the carriers of malaria and the Zika virus. But should they use it?

An illustration of the four spacecraft that detected a magnetic reconnection.

NASA Finally Caught This Crazy Space Weather in Action

The interactions between the Earth and the Sun’s magnetic fields drive explosive space weather

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