Oil Spills

Shortly after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill, dolphins were observed swimming through an oil slick. Their exposure to petroleum fumes may have wrought serious consequences.

Research Confirms Fears that Deepwater Horizon Spill Contributed to Dolphin Deaths

Dead bottlenose dolphins stranded in the Gulf of Mexico had lesions linked to petroleum exposure

21,000 Gallons of Oil Just Spilled Near Santa Barbara

An underwater pipeline was the culprit for a crude oil spill in the Pacific

A worker rescues a severely oiled brown pelican along the Louisiana shore in June 2010.

The Gulf Oil Spill Isn't Really Over, Even Five Years Later

Two Louisiana scientists reflect on the event and how its lingering effects are continuing to change the Gulf Coast

Five Things The Gulf Oil Spill Has Taught Us About the Ocean

While researching the spill, scientists tracked deep-sea sharks, found new mud dragons, and discovered a type of ocean current

Surface oil burning during the cleanup of the Deepwater Horizon spill

Found: Millions of Gallons of Missing Oil From Deepwater Horizon

Oil that sank to the seafloor left a ring the size of Rhode Island

Randy Schademann (R), an on scene coordinator with the US Environmental Protection Agency, and contractor Erik Hadwin collect water samples from the Gulf of Mexico off the beach at Grand Isle, Louisiana, USA, 21 June 2010.

Can We Clean Up the Next Oil Spill With Magnets?

A new technique may help during the next oil spill

Shale Oil May be Making Railroad Oil Transport More Dangerous

The rise of shale oil and longer shipping distances have spurred railroad regulators' push to update oil cars

Fish Exposed to Oil From BP Gulf Spill Swim Half as Fast

This is the second study in several months suggesting that the BP Deepwater Horizon spill has had lasting harmful effects on fish

Tiputini River and rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Amazon, Ecuador.

Ecuador Wanted $3.6 Billion to Save a Patch of Rainforest—Now, It's About to Start Drilling

Oil production could begin as early as 2016

Oil floats on the surface of Gulf waters in June 2010. Is it still there today?

Breaking Down the Myths and Misconceptions About the Gulf Oil Spill

Does oil stick around in the ecosystem indefinitely? What was the deal with the deformed fish? Can anything bad that happens in the Gulf be blamed on oil?

Young Fish Exposed to Deepwater Horizon Oil Develop Defects in Their Hearts

The impacts extend to economically valuable species such as tuna and amberjack

Exxon Valdez

25 Years Ago, The Exxon Valdez Ran Aground

On March 24, 1989 the Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound

Fire crews respond to the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

New Deal Lets BP Back Into the Gulf

A deal lets BP bid on new leases in the Gulf, and resume selling oil to the U.S. government


What Does the Oil Spill Mean for Seafood?


Getting in Deep

The unending quest for oil has now led drillers to vast reserves lying more than a mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico

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