South America

Researchers used these five replica clay pipes to "smoke" tobacco and other native plants.

Early Residents of the Pacific Northwest Smoked Smooth Sumac

Researchers used a new technique to detect the chemical fingerprints of specific plant species in a 1,400-year-old pipe's residue

Short-eared dogs are the only canines that live in the Amazon rainforest.

The Amazon’s 'Ghost Dogs' Face 30 Percent Habitat Loss

The solitary species is hard to spot on camera, and they're the only canine that lives in the Amazon rainforest

The face of a sweat bee (Megalopta amoena) that is half female (viewer's left, bee's right) and half male (viewer's right, bee's left)

Meet the Bee With a Body That’s Half Male, Half Female

So-called gynandromorphs are rare, but they can teach us a lot about development and evolution

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