
Eight New Uses For Virtual Reality

Fasten your headsets. VR technology is coming at us from all directions

Metropoles like Shanghai have survived and thrived in large part because of their massive populations. But what happens when people start to become a liability rather than an asset?

Can the World’s Megacities Survive the Digital Age?

Like companies, megacities must adapt

Fertility apps promise to help women both get pregnant and avoid pregnancy. But how reliable are they?

What’s Actually New About Today’s Newfangled Birth Control Apps?

These futuristic-sounding apps are on the rise, but it’s key to separate the data from the hype

A new startup is making it easy for customers to shop their local family farmers—right from their homes.

New Startup WildKale Lets Farmers Sell Directly to Customers Through an App

Yes, it's like "Uber for farmer's markets."

Experiments Show How Neanderthals Made the First Glue

Archaeologists tested three methods the early hominins could have used to get tar from birch bark

Electronics That Can Melt in Your Body Could Change the World of Medicine

John Rogers, a revolutionary materials scientist, is pushing the boundaries of the medical world

New digital identification technology is able to identify a person based on his or her typing patterns.

How You Type Could Become Your New Password

New technology can identify an individual just from keystrokes

After 69 days trapped deep in Chile's San José  copper mine, 33 miners, hauled from the depths one at a time, stepped out of the tiny capsule and into the embrace of a cheering world.

The Capsule That Saved the Chilean Miners

The Natural History museum offers an inside look at the dramatic rescue of men trapped half a mile underground in a Chilean copper mine

Art from the 1950s envisioned a future with robots. Are we there yet?

I Have Seen the [retro]Future

Face recognition software is making a leap forward from 2-D to 3-D scanning.

How Technology Fights Terrorism

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