
Dear Florida: Stop Messing With Mating Manatees

But in Florida, residents are being asked to stop bothering manatees while they're trying to get it on


Track a Great White Shark from Your Computer

Where in the world are Genie and Mary Lee? Two tagged great whites are teaching us about how these giant fish live in the deep


To the Bat Cave!

One conservation group, the Nature Conservancy, has decided to take action against white nose syndrome by setting up a refugee bat cave


NIH Sends Almost One-Fifth of Its Research Chimpanzees Into Retirement

The National Institutes of Health has retired 110 chimpanzees of a total of 563


Women Are Still Discriminated Against in Science

A recent study in PNAS suggests that, at least when it comes to science, gender bias is still going strong


Sea Lions Deliberately Collapse Their Lungs So They Can Dive Deeper

Shutting down their lungs helps sea lions avoid getting the bends

After a Four Year Fight, Scientists Announce No Link Between XMRV and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What you need to know about the recent XMRV, chronic fatigue syndrome announcement

Proud Panda Parents Mei Xiang and Tian Tian

Meet the National Zoo’s Newest Panda Cub

Giant panda Mei Xiang gave birth to a panda cub at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

Photo of the painting “Flowers in a blue vase” by Vincent van Gogh. The discoloration is located on the right side of the bouquet.

In a Van Gogh Painting, the Flowers Are Changing Color

Scientists have figured out why some of the "Flowers in a blue vase" became discolored over time


Russian Mammoth Discovery May Lead to Furry Clones

Scientists discovered the remains of a woolly mammoth in Yakutia region on Russia’s Arctic coast

This paper doll could end up with a nasty rash.

How Common Are Infections From Tattoo Ink?

A recent set of infections from tattoos has shed light on just how unregulated ink really is

Dirty Curiosity Rover Could Seed Mars With Earthly Bacteria

Curiosity is loaded with bacteria, and it could contaminate Mars

This summer, DNA 11 established the very first genetics lab devoted to art.

Genetics Lab or Art Studio?

DNA 11, based in Ottawa, has built the first high-tech genetics laboratory devoted solely to art making

Junk DNA Isn’t Junk, and That Isn’t Really News

News that about 80 percent of our DNA is functional might surprise some, but won't surprise geneticists


Collage of Arts and Sciences: Now In Session

Our newest blog explores the fertile ground where art and science meet


The Genetics Behind Venus, the Mysterious Two-Faced Cat

A cat named Venus is perhaps the most famous feline on the planet thanks to her unique markings


This Is What Extinction Sounds Like

Before-and-after audio records show how ecosystems change

An octopus in the eastern Pacific

Global Warming Could Increase Biodiversity

Gentle global warming could be a boon for marine biodiversity


Storeowners Hope Cute Little Baby Faces Will Stop Crime

One street in London is hoping to dissuade potential looters by putting a gigantic baby face between them and their loot


Wracked by Face Cancer, Tasmanian Devils Fight Off Extinction

Tasmanian devils are on the verge of extinction, but a captive breeding program may be able to bring them back

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