
How Does It Feel To Have Half a Brain? Not Bad, Actually

"Patient R" is missing three key parts of his brain, and yet he's conscious and self-aware

Electron Microscope Zooms In, Finds Life on Life on Life

There's a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod on a frog on a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea!


Dogs Chasing Their Tails Are Akin to Humans With OCD

For dogs engaged in this futile repetitive behavior, there might not be much of a choice, just like people suffering from OCD

Is This Mother Giraffe Mourning Her Dead Baby?

Mother giraffes join the ranks of elephants, polar bears, chimpanzees, gorillas,and other animals in the practice of mourning their dead


This Pea Aphid Thinks it’s a Plant

Pea aphids can harness sunlight to aid in energy production


Yes, We’re Actually Still Looking for the Yeti

Scientists are accepting DNA samples from cryptozoologists who claim to have evidence of the Yeti


This Woman Wants You to Buy Her, Piece by Piece

Filmmaker Storm Theunissen tired to find out just how much she could get for the various pieces of her


Shark Week Loses its Bite, and That’s a Good Thing for Sharks

After 25 years of man-eating, Discovery's Shark Week embraces conservation


New Lacewing Species Discovered… on Flickr

Wildlife photographer Guek Hock Ping discovered a new species. Only, he didn't know it

Longhorn cattle in Houston, Texas.

Why Do Cows Have Spots?

Cows' mottled coats may have evolved to help keep flies away.

Clear rosin represents the mother’s tissue, while the fetus is suspended in white.

Why 3-D Printed Fetuses Represent the Future of Medical Imaging

A 3-D printed fetus might seem strange, but it represents an opportunity to improve medical education and imaging.

Goats beware.

When It’s Okay to Kill 80,000 Wild Goats

The Galapagos recently finished exterminating 80,000 invasive goats from the island

Mycoplasma mycoides, 2011

Teaching Molecular Biology with Watercolors

Molecular biology professor David Goodsell is just as skilled with a microscope as with a paint brush

The fountains of Enceladus as seen by Cassini

If Humans Are Ever Going to See Alien Life, Here’s Where It Will Happen

Scientists are all atwitter over Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons and one of the most likely places in our solar system to harbor life

Shark Teeth Have Built-in Toothpaste

Sharks may have the healthiest teeth in the animal kingdom

Can you tell what this man is feeling?

Old People Aren’t Hiding Their Emotions, You Just Can’t Read Them Through Their Wrinkles

Wrinkles make it difficult for younger people to read the facial expressions of those older than them

Loud Sex Will Get You Eaten By Bats (If You’re a Fly)

Flies now join likes of Romeo and Juliet, and Tristan and Isolde, determined but doomed lovers who would do anything - including die - for love

Flying ants emerge from the grass.

Invasion of Flying Ants Is at Hand

Britain prepares to welcome their new flying ant overlords

An elephant at the Toronto Zoo

It Is Too Hot For African Elephants… In Canada

Three elephants were supposed to fly from Toronto the California at the end of next week, but the weather is just too hot for these African animals


These Adorable Lemurs Are On the Verge of Extinction

Lemurs are the most threatened group of vertebrates on the planet

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