<p>Tighten down those bolts.</p>
Or is it just meant to make us feel like we're doing something?
A virtual race to mark the 100th anniversary of the world’s first air meet
In the early days of aviation, any wilderness was a challenge for propeller-driven airplanes made of wood and fabric. And in 1920, there was hardly a territory more rugged and fraught with danger than Alaska.So it was that Billy Mitchell of the Army Air Service, who was always anxious to show off t...
<p>But still visible to the trooper's radar gun.</p>
Reflections on how anything is possible.
You might have the right stuff to be a Blue Angel pilot: a computer and a broadband connection. That's what the Virtual Blue Angels use to fly formation and dazzle online crowds.Established five years ago by former (and real) Marine Corps pilot Bob "Kato" Tyler, currently the number four (slot) vir...
<p>A hard landing is good to find.</p>
Is the Saturn V's F-1, first-stage engine more power than you need? Then consider the NK-33, the smaller first-stage engine from the only other moon rocket ever built by the human race.The Soviet N1 lunar rocket, which experienced four failed launches from 1969 to 1972, was a firebreathing behemoth...
The 11-17 August issue of Flight International, a global aerospace weekly published in the United Kingdom, noted the results of a poll that asked if the Boeing 787, Airbus 400M, or another slowly evolving work in progress would be the first to make a maiden flight: 787 33% A400M ...
<p>Sitting in the other guy's ride.</p>
The avatar who's giving me a guided tour of MyBase—the first virtual Air Force base—is wearing wings. And I don't mean the kind you pin on your shirt. Real ones, protruding from her back. Because she can fly. Of course, so can I. Or rather, my avatar can. Which makes me wonder why I should bother t...
The Air Force opens a virtual air base in Second Life.
Burt Rutan remembers the birth of the VariEze and names his favorite aircraft.
A look inside the Smithsonian's Stratoliner.
After the August 8 mid-air collision of a sightseeing helicopter and a Piper Lance over New York City that killed nine people, politicians have been calling for a shut-down or at least a vigorous revamping of the Hudson Corridor, the Visual Flight Rules scenic route up and down the Hudson River. Wh...
<p>And a creative thought balloon...</p>
Even around other X-planes, the X-48B looks weird.
Last week, the Augustine Commission held another public meeting in Washington DC and Dr. John Marburger testified.
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