Air & Space Magazine

A scene from this year's Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In.

Smoking Stearman

A scene from this year's Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In.

Astronaut Scott Parazynski is about to join an elite group of space travelers.

Fifth Time Up

Astronaut Scott Parazynski is about to join an elite group of space travelers.

Japan's Kaguya satellite snaps a high-definition photo of Earth on its way to the moon.

High Definition

Japan's Kaguya satellite snaps a high-definition photo of Earth on its way to the moon.

A restored airliner with a truly impressive passenger list.

Tri-Motor at Oshkosh

A restored airliner with a truly impressive passenger list.

NASA's Dawn mission, due to launch this week, will orbit two asteroids.

Bound for Ceres

NASA's Dawn mission, due to launch this week, will orbit two asteroids.

Japan launches its most ambitious space mission ever.

Kaguya Heads for the Moon

Japan launches its most ambitious space mission ever.

A close fly-by of Saturn's two-faced moon.

Target Iapetus

A close fly-by of Saturn's two-faced moon.

A California artist celebrates the famed WW1 fighter.

Sopwith by the Bay

A California artist celebrates the famed WW1 fighter.

Launched 30 years ago today, it remains the most distant manmade object.

Voyager 1, Still Going

Launched 30 years ago today, it remains the most distant manmade object.

Rare Bear takes off for the Saturday Gold race. On Sunday, pilot John Penney finished first in the Unlimited class.

Notes from the Reno Races

Dispatches from the 2007 National Championship Air Races.

Only four letters with covers were carried by Lindbergh on his historic flight across the Atlantic in 1927, including this one to James F. Prince, Treasurer of Wright Aeronautical Corporation.

Artifacts Online

The National Air and Space Museum's collection is now easier to view than ever.

Paul Dimitriu in his Los Angeles jewelry shop.

The Astronaut Jeweler

More than 1,500 pieces designed by Paul Dimitriu have flown on the space shuttle.

The interior of a Boeing 767's Econonmy Class.

Why do airline seats have to be in an upright position during takeoff?

The rules are confusing, but the safety concern is real

A pulse detonation engine, fueled by ethylene and air, fires on a test stand at a General Electric research center.

Son of a Buzz Bomb

An engine with a checkered past is the power of the future.


Lunar Clipper

With rich tourists traveling to Earth orbit, can a cruise around the moon be far behind?

Astronauts Cady Coleman and Rick Arnold step into a mock-up of the Orion crew module at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Orion's Brain

NASA's new space capsule has a mind of its own.



You might say that Osprey pilots are neither fish nor fowl.

Researchers have been looking far and wide for biofuel sources, including switchgrass.

Fly Green!

Richard Branson and Boeing heap hope-and hype-on biofuels.

The developers of Cargolifter CL 160, a German design, used to say that their craft could carry 26,000 pounds of food to disaster victims. But the Cargolifter itself needs aid now; its parent company has declared bankruptcy.

Spy Blimps and Heavy Lifters

The latest thing in airships.

In the Dreamliner's avant-garde cabin, one thing hasn't changed: Business class is better than coach.

How Boeing Put the Dream in Dreamliner

When aircraft designers wanted to make passengers feel happy, they turned to psychologists.

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