Air & Space Magazine

A four-place kitplane with a pusher propeller, the Velocity SE FG offered a sturdy off-the-shelf airframe for a rocket-engine modification.


Can aviation's newest spectator sport lead to routine space travel?

Anousheh Ansari before her launch to the International Space Station in September 2006.

An X-Prize Sponsor and Space Tourist

Anousheh Ansari talks about trips to orbit, past and future


VIDEO: The Osprey in Flight

Half helicopter, half airplane.

Target date 2025: A pilotless, Mach 20 Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle.

Mach 20 or Bust

Weapons research may yet produce a true spaceplane.

Paul DiMare's illustration of the Mach 20 Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle starts with a wireframe skeleton.

Picturing the Future

How a skilled artist fast-forwards to the hypersonic airplanes of 2025.

Sport pilots who choose to build the SeaRey kitplane can take off from and set down on both land and water.

20 Hours to Solo

Will a new pilot category restore the glory days of general aviation?

The Allegro's instrument panel displays basic flight instruments as well as a transponder and a combination radio/GPS receiver.

Fun Factor

We take a light sport aircraft for a test drive.


Space Tourism's First Small Steps

Forty years ago, Pan American was taking reservations for the moon.

A snapshot of who was flying where on a summer afternoon.

U.S. Air Traffic

A snapshot of who was flying where on a summer afternoon.

Rivals square off at a recent fund-raiser in Long Beach.

Plane Pull

Rivals square off at a recent fund-raiser in Long Beach.

The Spirit and Opportunity rovers wait out a summer storm.

Dusty Days on Mars

The Spirit and Opportunity rovers wait out a summer storm.

Endeavour returns to Earth after 12 days in space.


Endeavour returns to Earth after 12 days in space.

Over Colorado in a Premier business jet.

Window Seat

Over Colorado in a Premier business jet.

The first planet to be visited by robot landers.

The Surface of Venus

The first planet to be visited by robot landers.

The world's fastest business jet.

Citation X

The world's fastest business jet.

A scene from this year's Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In.

Stearman at Sunset

A scene from this year's Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In.

Endeavour gets ready for a trip to space.

Go for Launch

Endeavour gets ready for a trip to space.

Preparing for a C-130 flight, Ali Air Base, Iraq.


Preparing for a C-130 flight, Ali Air Base, Iraq.

Cassini may fly through the ice fountains of Enceladus next March.

Saturnian Spray

Cassini may fly through the ice fountains of Enceladus next March.

Putting away a ScanEagle after a flight over the Al Anbar Province of Iraq in August 2006.

Flocking ScanEagles

When it comes to operating UAVs, six heads aren't better than one.

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