
Narcotics operators are responsible for this stretch of deforestation, locating in a protected areas in Honduras.

New Research

As Drug Traffickers Move In, Tropical Forests Fall

Deforestation in Central America goes hand-in-hand with narcotics operations, which replace forests with airstrips, roads and money-laundering farms

This bee is not having a good day.

Trending Today

Zombees Have Made it Across the U.S.

That gives us what, 28 days left?

Mr. Garrick and Miss Bellamy in the characters of Romeo and Juliet

Cool Finds

Old Illustrations Tell the Secret of How They Were Made

Old books are full of beautiful, intricate engravings. But without expertise in printmaking, how can you tell how those images were made?

Cool Finds

When Your Coffee Maker Is Also a Spectrometer

London-based designer Alex Duffner creates dual-purpose lab/kitchen gadgets


Stunning Bubbles Frozen Under Lake Abraham

Frozen bubbles of methane trapped beneath Alberta's Lake Abraham are beautiful, but dangerous if popped

A scene from the whale shark processing factory, where the endangered species are turned into meat, medicinal supplements and cosmetics.

Cool Finds

A Factory in China Is Slaughtering Endangered Whale Sharks

A Chinese non-profit wildlife organization exposed what they believe to be the largest whale shark-processing factory in the world

Just one bite of Pico de gallo is a party of flavors.

Super Bowl

Why You Should Make Your Own Salsa (With Recipe Included)

This Super Bowl, throw away the jar and chop up some veggies

New Research

Here Are the Three Ways People Use Emoticons at Work

It might not be the most important type for human interaction, but the smiley certainly does make passive-aggressive work emails easier

Super Bowl

The Science of the First Cold Weather Super Bowl

Science shows that the cold weather will make it harder for players to grip the ball, avoid slipping and hear each other over the roar of the crowd

Barro Colorado Island, on the Panama Canal, is home to at least 74 bat species. A group of German researchers is studying them all to understand the spread of diseases.

A Night in the Forest Capturing Bats

Our intrepid reporter joins tropical bat researchers in the field one night and gains some appreciation for their fangs

Cool Finds

GM Purple Tomatoes Could Actually Be Good for You

These tomatoes are stuffed with anthocyanins (but they're not the only source of the healthy pigment)

Nike produced parts of its Vapor Carbon Elite (top) and Vapor Laser Talon (bottom) on a 3D printer.

Super Bowl

This Super Bowl, Players Will Be Wearing 3D Printed Cleats

Nike has designed special shoes that make athletes more explosive from a standing position

Cool Finds

Russia's Getting Strict About Doping at Sochi

There will almost certainly be those who get away with it, but you can’t say the Russians aren’t trying

Australia has a long record of devastating tropical cyclones, such as Yasi, which made landfall in Queensland in February 2011. But a new study finds such storms to be on the decline.

Australian Cyclone Activity Hits Record Low Levels

Climate change may explain the recent drop, scientists say

Northwestern quarterback Kain Colter announced yesterday that the National College Players Association would attempt to unionize.

Trending Today

College Football Players Push to Unionize for Medical Benefits

Are college athletes students or employees?

New Research

Humans Are Naturally Inclined to Believe We’re Immortal

Even children who live in a culture with no beliefs about existence before birth have a concept of "pre-life"

New Research

Climate Change Is Already Causing Mass Human Migration

When temperatures are high, Pakistani men are 11 times more likely to move out of town

New Research

A Surprising Number of College Students Struggle to Find Enough Food

Food insecurity, a problem normally associated with poverty, also plagues college campuses

The Silic shirt features nanotechnology that repels most liquids.

Tech Watch

This T-Shirt Claims To Be Stainproof

A student has invented a durable, liquid-repelling shirt that's both comfortable and stylish

New Research

The Sun Is Spraying Water Into Space

When the solar wind hits oxygen-rich rocks, water can form

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