
Hugh, a manatee, undergoes training at Mote Marine Laboratory, learning to touch his nose to a plastic target.

A New Paradigm for Animal Research: Let Them Participate

In labs around the country, researchers are realizing that in many cases, it's easier to work with animals than against them

Definitely sinning right now.

Cool Finds

How Medieval People Decided Whether Sex Was Acceptable or Not

Spoiler alert: your sex is definitely Medievally sinful

New Research

Dogs Can Get Sexually Transmitted Cancer, And They’ve Been Spreading It for Millenia

This contagious cancer has spread from a single dog that lived 11,000 years ago

New Research

A New Device Can Use The Motion of a Beating Heart to Produce Electricity

Piezoelectric generators turn motion into electricity

Trending Today

The Army Is Open to Beards, Turbans And Other Religiously Affiliated Symbols

New dress regulations seek to accommodate soldier's religious symbols

Pregnancy feels several months too long? A 3D printed fetus can give you a glimpse of how it is to actually hold your child.

Tech Watch

Expecting? Cradle Your 3D Printed Fetus In The Meantime

A startup offers to create a life-like replica of your gestating child from ultrasound images

Ready for a lifetime struggle for independence.

New Research

Twins Spend Their Whole Lives Trying to be Different From One Another

Many twins struggle to cultivate their own identities while being so similar to one another. And that struggle lasts a lifetime

Viewed from Lake Superior, ice caves on Apostle Islands.

Deep Freeze Reveals Lake Superior's Secluded Ice Caves

For five years, the winter wonder of Lake Superior's Apostle Islands sea caves have been hiding—but recent freezing temperatures have revealed their beauty

The Orlova off Petermann Island (Antarctic Peninsula), 2010 (before being abandoned).

Trending Today

No, an Abandoned Ship Full of Diseased Rats Is Not Floating Towards Britain

If you believe the headlines, a ghost ship full of cannibal rats is heading for England. Don't believe the headlines

Fun for everybody.

New Research

Simply Having a Gay Straight Alliance Reduces Suicide Risk for All Students

In schools with GSAs heterosexual boys were half as likely to attempt suicide

No Instagram filter needed.

Cool Finds

See the First Photographs Ever Taken of Jerusalem

Since 1844, millions of photographs have probably been taken of Jerusalem. But these blurry snaps are the very first.

A fringe-lipped bat bits into a túngara frog.

New Research

Crazy Stupid Love: The Frog With a Mating Call That Also Attracts Predators

The sound and water ripples produced by the túngara frog's mating call are picked up by predatory bats

The New Madrid seismic zone, in the center of the United States, is highlighted bright pink in this earthquake hazard map created by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2008, reflecting the increased likelihood that a strong earthquake could strike that region.

Large Earthquakes Still Possible in the Central United States

The region shook in 1811 and 1812, and scientists say it could happen again

Ceres, as seen by Hubble.

New Research

An Oasis in the Void: Dwarf Planet Ceres Is Venting Water

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter

Vintage Headlines

What Reviewers Said About the First Mac When It Debuted

They nitpicked the hardware, but reviewers appreciated the groundbreaking features that would redefine the personal computer

Snacks are a key element of a successful Super Bowl experience.

Cool Finds

Prepare for the Super Bowl by Watching This Primer on American Football

For those of you who aren’t football fans, never fear, we’ve got you covered

New Research

Seriously, Just Stay in Bed: Fever-Reducing Pills May Boost Flu Transmission

Nixing a fever boosts virus replication, which could result in additional transmission

Place des Vosges in Paris. The location of Victor Hugo's apartment for 16 years.

Victor Hugo: Acclaimed Author, Unknown Furniture Designer

The apartment once occupied by the author of Les Miserables is now a museum dedicated to his life and to 19th century Paris

Looks like some scientists could use a quick Gender Theory 101 course.

Cool Finds

Some Scientific Journals Are Still Confusing Sex and Gender

Sex and gender are not synonyms, yet some scientific journals continue to use them interchangeably

Threaten with emoji, go to jail.

Cool Finds

An Emoji Death Threat Is Still a Death Threat

Death threats are illegal. Even if they come in the form of emoji.

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