A new study finds that prehistoric humans correctly depicted the gait of four-legged animals much more frequently than modern artists
In the future, your cell phone's accelerometer could help detect earthquakes
A fragmentary skeleton pins the emergence of dinosaurs more than 10 million years earlier than previously thought
Be it a book, movie, calendar or game, these picks are perfect for the hardest-to-shop-for people on your list
A longer life expectancy might have allowed members of the genus Homo to grow taller than earlier australopithecines, researchers propose
An articulated hand found in southern Utah complicates the story of North America's feathery, beaked oviraptorosaurs
Health and medical mobile apps are booming. But what happens when they shift from tracking data to diagnosing diseases?
A new advance in lighting could soon bring a silent, consistent glow that's easy on the eyes to an office near you
After 99 days in space, the museum's new jumping spider made it only five days before dying of natural causes
An offering of books, bumper stickers, artwork and other knickknacks for the hominid enthusiast on your gift list
Senility isn’t the answer; IQ scores are increasing with each generation. In a new book, political scientist James Flynn explains why
James Anderson, the winner of a Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award, has discovered the alarming link between climate change and ozone loss
The winner of the Smithsonian Ingenuity Award for technology hopes to launch a revolution with his spaceship and electric car
A high school sophomore won the youth achievement Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award for inventing a new method to detect a lethal cancer
The recipient of the Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award for natural sciences blazed a new view of how to treat infectious diseases via genetics
Meet the most famous inventor you’ve never heard of – whose greatest invention may be himself
The neurologist’s latest investigations of the mind explore the mystery of hallucinations – including his own
Combustion experiments conducted in zero gravity yield surprising results
New evidence suggests that fire may have influenced the evolution of the human mind
Pollutants from crude stoves are responsible for many deaths – a D.C.-based NGO has a solution
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