The system uses surgically implanted electrodes so that a blind person can "see" the letters
Everyone knows that birds are dinosaurs, but what kind of dinosaur is your holiday turkey?
Another study debunks the idea that the lunar cycle triggers mental instability
Were extra-thick hides the secret to why paleontologists have found so much fossilized hadrosaur skin?
In a new book, the editors of Cook's Illustrated share some secrets to preparing the perfect holiday feast
When did dinosaurs start to become giants? Enigmatic bone fragments found in England complicate the debate
Scientists say the hormone ghrelin can drive us to eat high-calorie foods like desserts, even on a full stomach
Sure, it can get aggravating, but here are some innovations that are making it easier and more enjoyable to take a trip
You’ve never been so interested in being bored
A new study indicates that, like humans, these great apes go through a nadir of happiness in middle age
Though not as famous as other huge dinosaurs, Futalognkosaurus is the most complete giant sauropod ever found
Fossil finds from Tanzania in the mid-20th century kicked off East African hominid hunting
Only if utility companies are able to make their power grids smart enough to spot outages and "heal" themselves
Slender limb bones found in Argentina give away a new species of tiny dinosaur
With yarn made from discarded plastic bags, Australian artist Helle Jorgensen stitches delicate sculptures of corals
Astronomers have spotted an object roughly 100 light-years away that appears to be a planet not associated with any star
The devastating drought of the 1930s forever changed American agriculture. Could those conditions return?
#8: A turkey's gender can be determined from its droppings
Illacme plenipes, an extremely rare species endemic to just a few wooded areas in Northern California, is fully described for the first time
New dinosaurs are always cause for excitement, but the real joy of paleontology is investigating dinosaur lives
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