

A Paleo Proposal

Paleontologists Lee Hall and Ashley Fragomeni show us what a perfect paleo-themed engagement looks like

The Atavist is refining multimedia storytelling

It’s a Long Story

In Facebook world, you'd think there wouldn't be much of a future for nonfiction storytelling. But several startups are trying to keep the narrative alive

A new study uses high-speed videography to examine how mosquitoes survive the impact of raindrops.

How Do Mosquitoes Fly in the Rain?

A high-kicking Utahraptor outside the College of Eastern Utah's Prehistoric Museum in Price

In Defense of Raptors

Is it time to stop calling sickle-clawed dinosaurs "raptors"?

Strange things are happening in the ocean.

Roiling in the Deep

It's World Oceans Day and here are 10 things scientists know about what's happening under the sea that they didn't a year ago


The Sea Monster Bathynomus

The hulking crustacean has razor-sharp mandibles and eyes that catch the light like a cat's. Now it has turned into a high-tech saboteur

The ocean sunfish is the heaviest bony fish in the world; it can grow more than 10 feet long and pack on a whopping 5,000 pounds, and yet its flat body has no real tail to speak of.

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Ocean Sunfish

Marine biologist Tierney Thys and researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium are learning more about one of the largest jellyfish eaters in the sea

Celebrated creators have always known the power of the synthesizing mind.

Combinatorial Creativity and the Myth of Originality

The power of the synthesizing mind and the building blocks of combinatorial creativity

Some fossil evidence indicates the common ancestor of gorillas (shown), chimpanzees and humans came from Europe.

Did Africa’s Apes Come From Europe?

Fossil evidence hints that the common ancestor of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans evolved in Europe


In Case You Missed It: the Transit of Venus

If you didn't have a chance to see yesterday's astronomical event, watch this NASA video to see what all the fuss is about

Roger Cutler's wire Apatosaurus

Dinosaur Sighting: Artsy Apatosaurus

wire Apatosaurus looms over a D.C.-area art festival

The previous transit of Venus in front of the sun was in 2004, pictured above. The next won't be until 2117.

How To View This Evening’s Transit of Venus

A few quick tips to keep in mind as you take advantage of the last chance to see Venus pass in front of the sun

The original AMNH mount of Brontosaurus, reconstructed in 1905

Brontosaurus Returns

Paleontologists may have killed the dinosaur a century ago, but it was revitalized in the King Kong remake

An artist's depiction of Afrotarsius (upper left) and other early primates from Africa

Out of Asia: How Monkey and Ape Ancestors Colonized Africa

A new fossil discovery suggests that anthropoid ancestors originated in Asia and then rafted across the ocean to Africa

A new study shows that over-the-counter products sold to eradicate the bed bug, shown feeding above, are relatively ineffective

Bed Bugs Are Even Peskier Than We Thought

A new study reveals that common over-the-counter bed bug eradication products are essentially ineffective


A Little Lost Tyrannosaur

Nothing is cuter than a troublemaking baby Tyrannosaurus

Technology may help you shape your dreams.

Taking Control of Your Dreams

Not a lot of research has been done on lucid dreaming, but new devices are now helping people influence what's going on in their heads while they sleep


The Evolution of the Homepage

Using the WayBack Machine, we looked back at how the homepage has changed since the early days of the Internet


Your Last Chance to See Venus Pass in Front of the Sun

The transit of Venus is so rare that only 8 transits have occurred since the invention of the telescope


Today Is Your Last Chance This Lifetime to See Venus Pass in Front of the Sun

Venus' next transit of the sun isn't until 2117—so read about what to watch for and make sure to look to the skies

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