
The shape of the "Pachysuchus" fossil (in grey) set into a sauropodomorph dinosaur skull

Pachysuchus Actually a Hidden Dinosaur

A strange jaw fragment, once thought to belong to a crocodile-like predator, turned out to be a dinosaur

The skull of Tarbosaurus

Tarbosaurus Leftovers Explain Dinosaur Mystery

Peculiar bite marks suggest why paleontologists have found so little of the enigmatic, long-armed dinosaur Deinocheirus


Meat Helps Human Populations Grow

A new study links eating meat to shorter periods of nursing, allowing women to bear more children

The Voyagers are still within the heliosheath, the outer layer of the solar system

Voyager Probes Not Out of the Solar System Just Yet

New data show that nearly 35 years after their launches, NASA's Voyager probes are now at the outermost reaches of the solar system

A restoration of Ichthyovenator by Michel Fontaine

Ichthyovenator: The Sail-Backed Fish Hunter of Laos

The spinosaur, apparently the first confirmed in Asia, had a wavy sail that dipped downwards at the hips, creating the appearance of two smaller sails


Dinotasia: Werner Herzog’s Gory Dinosaurs

The violent dinosaur documentary once known as Dinosaur Revolution gains new life in movie theaters


Snoozing Chimps Offer Glimpse of Hominid Sleeping Habits

Most chimpanzees build tree nests when it's time to go to bed, but some prefer sleeping on the ground; the same was probably true for early hominids

The Golden Record consists of 115 analog-encoded photographs, greetings in 55 languages, a 12-minute montage of sounds on Earth and 90 minutes of music.

What Is on Voyager’s Golden Record?

From a whale song to a kiss, the time capsule sent into space in 1977 had some interesting contents

Monday's solar eruption at its peak moment

Picture of the Week: A Spectacular Solar Eruption

Earlier this week, a NASA telescope captured one of the most stunning solar flares in years

The cover art for Dinosaurs Vs. Aliens

Dinosaurs vs. Aliens

You know it had to happen eventually: Dinosaurs chomp aliens in forthcoming graphic novel

A study indicates that global yields of crops such as wheat and corn may already be affected by climate change.

10 Things We’ve Learned About the Earth Since Last Earth Day

We recap the most surprising, awe-inspiring and alarming things that we have learned about the Earth and the environment since last year's holiday

Paleontologists continue to find fascinating dinosaurs, such as this young Teratophoneus on display at the Natural History Museum of Utah. But will we ever see such creatures featured in a great dinosaur movie?

Will There Ever Be Another Great Dinosaur Movie?

Carefully crafted dinosaurs are an important part of any movie featuring the prehistoric creatures. But a good story is just as important, if not more so

Did egg-laying spell doom for non-avian dinosaurs, such as this crispy Troodon at the San Diego Natural History Museum?

How Eggs Shaped Dinosaur Evolution

Eggs may have been the secret to dinosaur success, but did they also lead to the dinosaurs' doom?

A piece of the elbow from Australopithecus anamensis found in northern Kenya.

The Top Seven Human Evolution Discoveries in Kenya

For more than 40 years, fossil hunters in Kenya have been excavating a treasure trove of hominid fossils, including a few species found nowhere else

Jorge Cham is the creator of Piled Higher and Deeper, one of many popular science-themed web comics

Science Comics Rule the Web

Where do Schrödinger's cat and lolcats collide? On the science-themed web comics that appeal to our inner nerd and inner child at the same time

Camarasaurus, as envisioned by Erwin Christman

Wading With Sauropods

Before the Dinosaur Renaissance moved sauropods out of the swamps, paleontologists recognized that some of these dinosaurs were better suited to land

"The Jellies Experience" is at the Monterey Bay Aquarium through September 2014

14 Fun Facts About Jellyfish

Number 8: One species may be immortal. It can play its lifecycle in reverse, transforming from an adult medusa back to an immature polyp

A gorilla in the Congo wading in a swamp

A New Aquatic Ape Theory

Some scientists have suggested the weight of water in the lake created by the Zipingpu Dam in China triggered the 2008 Sichuan earthquake

UPDATED: How Humans Cause Earthquakes

Fracking is just the latest cause to make the news for its link to quakes

A pair of bristly Fruitadens models on display at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Fruitadens and the Dinosaur Diet

The dinosaur diet was not a simply a choice between steak or salad

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