A hollow, thin-walled bone is not exactly the sort of structure that is going to protect a sauropod from attack—so what was its purpose?
The answer is far more complicated than it first appears—water doesn't always turn to ice at 32 degrees Fahrenheit
The bird changes direction with its whole body
What's the use of setting your science-fiction family drama 85 million years in the past if you're not going to highlight some of the local fauna?
The traveling science laboratory launched successfully on Saturday and is scheduled to touch down on the red planet in August 2012
D'oh! Homer and the gang meet up with some scary dinosaurs
A new archaeological study shows how Neanderthals' ability to adapt to changing climates may have led to the species' eventual extinction
Paleontologists have found the bones of a bird inside a feathered dinosaur. What can this discovery tell us about how Microraptor lived?
Very few skeletons have been found from this period, and much of what we know about the dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic Southwest comes from tracksites
Yellow saddle goatfish collaborate when one finds prey to chase
A new adventure game goes back to the scene of the crime that set the catastrophic events of the first film in motion
A new study finds that some marine organisms may have to move fast if they want to survive climate change
Chimneys may be obsolete in modern buildings, but they’re crucial habitat for the bird species on the West Coast
Science is about unlocking the world around us and laying it out to be admired
A newly discovered dinosaur from Brazil may give paleontologists a better understanding of what the ancestral dinosaur looked like
The collected remains seem to represent an approximately 18-foot-long predator in a lower weight class than the giants living in the same environment
You may have noticed that our ancestors are increasingly called hominins, which is the result of researchers revising how they classify primates
Male nursery web spiders aren't necessarily punished for giving false gifts
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