A trip to Texas shows the unexpected consequences of a severe drought
According to a recent study, the cause of Australia's "Dinosaur Stampede" may have been more comedic than nightmarish
A new dinosaur found in northwestern Argentina adds more detail to the big picture of how forerunners to Jurassic giants evolved
How do humans separate sarcasm from sincerity? Research on the subject is leading to insights about how the mind works. Really
Did a recently discovered pair of dinosaurs die at each other's throats?
A trial at a company in China finds telecommuting workers are more productive than their counterparts in the office
Frustrated by disappointing dinosaur facts, one blogger decides to create some of his own
Hominids have complicated names, but their scientific monikers are less mysterious when their Latin, Greek and African roots are decoded
If there's an alien conspiracy, the President doesn't know about it
Is "Nanotyrannus" a small-bodied tyrannosaur, a juvenile of some unknown species, or a young Tyrannosaurus rex?
This is not a glamorous science; no one will ever accuse an ecologist of being in it for the money
New technology is allowing researchers to narrow their searches for places where ancient hominids were likely to have lived, traveled and left fossils
At the close of the annual paleontology meeting, dinosaur science seems more vibrant than ever
Cold temperatures aren't enough to kill off any bacteria on your clothing
At the annual SVP meeting, paleontologists review just how western North America got so many weird dinosaurs
Bangkok residents have to avoid the crocodiles let loose by the flood
Not all cats roar, but those that do fascinate us with their mysterious and frightening sounds
Plus, fossil evidence for a Cretaceous turducken: inside the guts of a feathered Microraptor dinosaur were the partial remains of a prehistoric bird
Genetic studies reveal that some modern humans carry DNA from extinct hominid species, evidence of ancient interbreeding
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