
The moose likely got drunk eating apples fermenting on the ground.

The Alcoholics of the Animal World

A drunken moose got stuck in a tree. But they aren't the only ones who like the product of fermentation

A block containing the partial skeleton of Linhevenator. Abbreviations: ds, dorsal vertebrae; lf, left femur; li, left ischium; lpe, left foot; rh, right humerus; rs, right scapula; sk, skull.

A New Sickle-Clawed Predator from Inner Mongolia

Linhevenator may not have used its arms to capture prey in the same way as its kin, even if it did have a specialized killing claw

Sweet sorghum may be grown for biofuel

How To Choose What To Plant For Biofuel

Some species proposed for bioenergy have the potential to become invasive

About one-third of all corals are in threat of extinction, and some coral experts say that we could lose reefs as we know them by 2050.

Saving Coral…Through Sperm Banks?

Marine biologist Mary Hagedorn has learned to freeze and reanimate coral cells


The Best Dinosaur Films Never Made

What do you think—which of these films most deserved to make it to the big screen?

A glowing kitty may help in the fight against AIDS

The Glow-In-The-Dark Kitty

A fluorescent green cat could help in the fight against AIDS

Dinosaur wine bottles spotted at a Manhattan party

Dinosaur Sighting: Fermented Stegosaurus

The Apatosaurus drags its tail, the Tyrannosaurus takes up a Godzilla-like posture and poor Velociraptor couldn't hold a glass of wine even if it wanted to

Without science, we wouldn't know that prehistoric creatures, like this short-necked plesiosaur (at the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum) were real

Why I Like Science

It's time to speak up: Why do you like science?

A five-inch-long impression of the baby ankylosaur Propanoplosaurus marylandicus. The head is the triangular shaped portion near the top, and the right forelimb can be seen to the left.

Maryland’s Adorable Baby Ankylosaur

A tiny, 112-million-year-old impression of a baby armored dinosaur shows the head and the underside of its body

Australopithecus sediba had a hand built for making stone tools

Fossil Finds Complicate Search for Human Ancestor

A new analysis of a 2-million-year-old hominid shows that it had an intriguing mix of australopithecine and Homo-like traits

The reconstructed skeleton of a Deinonychus, representing the modern image of dinosaurs, in front of the outdated 'Age of Reptiles' mural in Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History.

The Dinosaurs We Used to Know

A screenshot from The Great Flu, an online game

Five Games To Play After Watching Contagion

These games are fun but also have important lessons to teach about infectious diseases


Tracking the Fate of an Unseen Dinosaur Drama

Tippett's "Prehistoric Beast" remains one of the best dinosaur films ever made. What could he have accomplished with "Dinosaur"?

A male elephant at Etosha National Park in Namibia

Male Elephants Queue in Dry Times

Researchers believe the hierarchy helps elephants avoid injuries that could result from competing for water

Bookzilla at the Decatur Book Festival

Dinosaur Sighting: Bookzilla

The monster got its start as a science experiment that escaped to Decatur, Georgia—although, technically, I am not sure if Bookzilla counts

A combined image from the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observatories of RCW 86, which was determined to have started out as SN 185

The First Supernova

In 185 A.D., someone in China looked up in the night sky and saw a new star


The Dinosaur Revolution Will Be Televised

A new miniseries is more dinosaur tribute than scientific documentary


What the Goofy “More Dinosaurs” Got Right

A new DVD release of an old program is something of a dinosaur mixtape, with science and pop culture blended together

Woolly rhinos may have used their flattened horns to sweep away snow and expose edible vegetation underneath.

Woolly Rhino May Have Been A Tibetan Native

When the Ice Age began, these large mammals spread out to northern Asia and Europe

A dinosaur you can pet

Blog Carnival #34: Dino Petting Zoo, Tyrannosaurus v. Triceratops and More

In this month's roundup of the best of dino blogs, read about a dinosaur petting zoo, the 10 commandments of paleoart and much more

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