
In these two images from the Hubble Space Telescope, Pluto's new moon, P4, can be seen to move around the dwarf planet.

What To Name Pluto’s New Moon

Disney characters aside, what would you choose to join this dark and dreary mythological circle? Styx, Erberus, Cerberus, Hypnos?

A hexagonal grain of iron sulfide in a diamond may be a flaw for jewelers, but it's useful data for scientists

Diamonds Hold Secret About Plate Tectonics

When it comes to diamonds in jewelry, perfection is everything. But imperfections are a clue to the past

Allosaurus, on display at the CEU Museum in Price, Utah

Taking a Bite Out of a Sauropod Tail

The tail vertebra has gouges, divots and scores in five places from at least two different predators

Several crocodile species are known to attack humans

What Preys on Humans?

Most of us never come in contact with a deadly predator, but there are still enough encounters to remind us that humans are not the top of the food web

Line drawings of the skulls of Acristavus (top), Maiasaura (middle), and Brachylophosaurus (bottom)

Acristavus: North America’s New Hadrosaur

Dinosaurs with weird structures such as sails and arrays of horns often make the news, but in this case, the lack of specialized structures is important

One of the many dinosaur tracks figured in Edward Hitchcock's Ichnology of New England.

South America’s First Dinosaur Tracks

Tracks now readily recognizable as belonging to dinosaurs were once attributed to prodigious birds and other creatures

A leatherback turtle is just one of many predators in the ocean

Where the Pacific’s Predators Go

Scientists have found that predator species trade off between prey availability and water temperature in their travels

A stuffed solenodon in a museum
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Solenodons: No Bark But Plenty of Venomous Bite

Solenodons are unusual predators; they are among the few venomous mammals

A roadside dinosaur in Jensen, Utah

Dinosaur Sighting: Crocosaurus

It looks more like an alligator doing a dinosaur impression, but there is something unmistakably dinosaurian about it

Part of a fossil palm frond from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Wyoming.

Wyoming Paleontology Dispatch #3: How to date a fossil

The Bighorn Basin’s colorful stripes reveal an ancient riverbed


Los Angeles’ New Dinosaur Hall

Buzz about the new displays, particularly a trio of Tyrannosaurus growth stages, has been growing for months

A snow leopard caught in a camera trap in Afghanistan

The Vanishing Cats

In a recent bit of good news, snow leopards have been spotted at 16 camera traps in northeastern Afghanistan

The loss of wolves in the American West set off a cascade of changes to the region's food web.

What Happens When Predators Disappear

It's Predator Week here at the blog. What's your favorite predator, either existing or extinct?

A dinosaur egg with preserved wasp cocoons inside

Making a Home in a Dinosaur Egg

There were five spherical eggs in the 70-something-million-year-old clutch. One egg was cracked in half and filled with cocoons

Great White Egret, by Antonio Soto, photographed March 2009, South Florida

How the Great White Egret Spurred Bird Conservation

I was certain that the bird's plumage had to have been faked, but all the photographer did was darken the background. Those feathers were real

A paper "Brontosaurus" skeleton in a bottle, created by Akinobu

Brontosaurus in a Bottle

Dinosaurs are famous for the gargantuan sizes some attained, and that's why these minuscule skeleton sculptures are so charming


There’s a Drought—Is It Climate Change?

Despite the heat waves across the country, no one is screaming "climate change is real" because of them. Why?

The estimated sizes of several Allosaurus specimens, including "Epanterias."

A Truly Exceptional Allosaurus

Cope did not know it at the time, but he had described an especially large representative of a species his rival had named just a year before

Dinosaur, Colorado's Triceratops

Dinosaur Sighting: Roadside Triceratops

The main drag of Dinosaur, Colorado is festooned with a number of goofy-looking dinosaurs


The Cambrian Explosion in Song

What does a music teacher do when he ends up teaching science?

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