
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for the spread of the chikungunya virus. The virus causes joint pain so excruciating victims can't stand or sit upright for weeks or months at a time.

The Next West Nile Virus?

The chikungunya virus has escaped Africa and is traveling around the world via a widespread, invasive, voracious mosquito

Legendary bicycle builder Craig Calfee working on a handmade bamboo bicycle.

Turning Bamboo Into a Bicycle

A cycling entrepreneur has turned to the durable plant as a low-tech and affordable option for building bikes

If you call someone a piranha, first make sure you've got the right fish

Find Your Fishy Metaphor

We've all used a fishy metaphor in the past, but use the wrong one and you can look pretty stupid

A view of the Dinosaur National Monument quarry before it closed for renovations in 2006

A Visit to Douglass’ Dinosaur

The site became a must-see dinosaur landmark in 1957, and in a few months, visitors will once again be able to see the spectacular quarry wall

Part of Plate XII from Leidy's Cretaceous Reptiles of the United States, showing some vertebrae from Hadrosaurus.

Dinosaur Classics: Leidy’s Dinosaur Inventory

Contrary to a snarky review, this monograph is one of the most important works ever published in the history of vertebrate paleontology

Still from Cars 2

Top Ten Kids’ Movies With a Green Theme

Loggers, hunters, developers, fishers, polluters and whalers are the evil villains in this movie genre

Rex Riders, by J.P. Carlson

Riding With Rex

If you like Westerns but wonder what it would be like to replace cattle with Triceratops and horses with Tyrannosaurs, give this book a look

The issue of juiced baseballs surfaces every couple years during the month of April due to a high rate of home runs hit.

The Physics of Cheating in Baseball

Corked bats and juiced balls have long plagued baseball, but do they really help a player’s game? Four scientists found surprising answers

One of Will Walker's demotivational posters for scientists

Science Humor: Anti-Inspirational Posters

"I was learning for the first time about all the gremlins that stand between the researcher and The Answer."


Dinosaur Battle Town

This short film is about dueling towns—on the backs of enormous dinosaurs

Scientists are still trying to figure out why primates have excellent vision.

Snake-Spotting Theory Brings Primate Vision into Focus

Do camouflaged predators explain why monkeys, apes and other primates evolved superior eyesight?

Chocosaurs at Hatch Family Chocolates

Dinosaur Sighting: Delicious Dinosaurs

Since I moved out West, I have been seeing dinosaurs everywhere

Architeuthis dux, better known as the giant squid, is likely the inspiration for the legendary kraken.

The Giant Squid: Dragon of the Deep

After over 150 years since it was first sighted by the HMS Daedalus, the mysterious creature still eludes scientists


A Visit to Dinosaur Court

See a gallery of images from a monument to a time when naturalists were only just beginning to understand prehistoric creatures

Before wastewater is treated, scientists can look for traces of illegal drugs.

Sewage Epidemiology Not Just a Pipe Dream

Scientists are beginning to analyze sewage to track the use of illegal drugs

One of the most famous hominid fossils is the skull of a 3-year-old child found in Taung, South Africa. The child lived about three million to two million years ago. The skull has holes punched into its eye sockets; they were made by the talons of a large bird akin to an African crowned eagle.

The Top Ten Deadliest Animals of Our Evolutionary Past

Humans may be near the top of the food chain now, but who were our ancestors’ biggest predators?

The Glass Frog (Centrolenella colymbiphyllum) has skin so translucent that you can watch its heart beating.

14 Fun Facts About Frogs

#4: When Darwin’s frog tadpoles hatch, a male frog swallows the tadpoles


Jurassic Park Meets Birdemic?

Before the first shot of this fan-made dinosaur flick, a warning flashes on the screen: "Remember. We were young."

The nearly-complete hindlimb of the armored dinosaur Peloroplites on display at the CEU Prehistoric Museum.

Peloroplites: That’s One Big Ankylosaur

The "monstrous heavy one" was stout, armored and may have supported huge spikes on its neck and shoulders


Earth From Space

Which of these images from the European Space Agency's Flickr stream would you consider hanging as art in your home?

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