Mathematicians have sliced, and now supercomputers have crunched, but the mystery of pi goes on and on and...
Long considered black devils with wings, these bats today are stealing hearts – and mangoes – across Australia
Three Smithsonian astronomers run a worldwide news service about what is happening overhead
Across our fields, orchards and backyard gardens, the pollinators we rely on for the food we eat are facing threats on many fronts
A Smithsonian anthropologist applies his expertise to cases of missing children and disaster victims
Sediment layers suggest that 7,500 years ago Mediterranean water roared into the Black Sea
When scientists go scavenging at a bioblitz, anything they can find that's organic is considered fair game
A real fish tale hangs on a monster marlin caught nearly a half-century ago
An unlikely alliance of Midwesterners says it is time to take another look at generating electricity through wind power
It may look fuzzy and adorable but this New Zealand bird is one tough customer
For the National Zoological Park, an artist depicts the diversity of the islands' extinct avian species
In California's Long Valley, the earth trembles every day where a volcano once exploded
Closely watched by their guides and military escort, harried biologists survey the wild things that survive there
At his laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, researcher Mark Tilden creates machines that march to the beat of a different drummer
They're slimy, snaky, ugly and repulsive, but once you acquire a taste for this much-maligned species, "slippery as an eel" becomes a compliment
Long displayed, long dispersed, the famous Hornaday bison "family" is reunited in a new home
Slowly rising temperatures are melting the frozen ground that underlies most land at high latitudes
Still used as "dancing bears," they can hold their own with the big cats but not with human expansion
Making the Chips that Run the World A piece of cake: put 9½ million transistors in a space the size of your thumbnail and allow zero contamination
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