In Mexico's Maya jungle, the survival of the jaguar hangs on radio collars, hounds and former hunters
Aggressive weed that "grows like the devil" and will not die is manna for sheep, cows and folks who use it to cure hangovers, weave baskets and make jelly
According to advertising guru James Twitchell, every symbol, from Alka-Seltzer's Speedy to the Energizer Bunny, plants powerful notions of who we are
A new pandemic imperils half the world. Scientists think they know what has to be done, but the disease continues to outsmart them
If hummingbirds were as big as ravens, it probably wouldn't be safe to go for a walk in the woods
Aliens are tunneling through North America. Who'd have thought these earth tillers have a downside?
Every six months Smithsonian horticulturists give the Haupt Garden a makeover from the roots up
When it comes to speed and maneuverability, fish leave man-made submersibles floundering, but RoboTuna and friends may change all that
Although they are by nature loners, these clever "cats" don't mind a little human companionship
Even with air power and satellite tracking, it still takes people with axes and shovels to stop a forest fire
Catching a glimpse of these night-loving birds, which include the whip-poor-will, challenges even the most avid bird-watcher
In what may be the world's largest lake ever seen by a human eye, the search begins
Raymond Damadian's medical imaging machine set off a revolution but not without controversy
At MIT's Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics, researchers are probing the inner workings of our hands
Bighorn sheep have made a big comeback in recent years, but some developers out West think they're intruders
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