

Phenomena, Comment & Notes

Iceberg armadas and flickering climates: how one good idea led to more, and we appreciated anew the world's complexity


The Great Martian Fossil Hunt

If bacterial life did arise on an Earth-like early Mars, we should be able to find its fossil remains preserved in those red rocks


Seeking gifts from the sea, Sanibel-style

Seeking gifts from the sea, Sanibel-style


Around the Mall & Beyond

Plant and the butterflies will come: This summer the Smithsonian's new garden welcomes its winged visitors


My Psychiatrist Tells Me I Have 'Sci-Fitis'...

On an ordinary April day the weirdness came to town


Crash Dummies, Taking the Hard Knocks For All of Us


My Dog Has Fleas, Also My Cat, My Bird, My...

These tiny prehistoric parasites have evolved a bold array of weapons, the better to torture their hosts


When It Comes to Sports For The Brain, Everyone's a Winner


With Computers and New Equipment, Our Once-struggling Freight Railroads Are Now the World's Best and Busiest


Flutter by and Be Counted!

At the Fourth of July Butterfly Count, devotees census swallowtails, wood-nymphs and all their colorful kin


Science Defined by the Hands of a Book Artist

You can't always tell a book by its cover; in fact, it may not even have a cover. These artists' books convey their message in unexpected ways


The Object at Hand

How a snake, attended by alarums and excursions, made it from an Asian jungle to the National Zoo and so to its present berth in a Smithsonian museum


For Our Nuclear Wastes, There's Gridlock on the Way to the Dump

It's not an emergency yet, but we have tons of the stuff, some of it hot, some not so hot, and nobody can agree on where to bury it


On the Trail of the Stealth Birds of Our Wetlands

With its cunning camouflage and some mighty morphing, a bittern can be one tough bird to find —and a tough customer to boot


Smithsonian Perspectives

At the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, we are gaining insights for our society in the 21st century


Review of 'Chimpanzee Travels'


Review of 'Doc: Then and Now with a Montana Physician'

Review of 'Doc: Then and Now with a Montana Physician'


It's in the Air: Skin, Stardust, Radio Waves, Vitamins, Spider Legs

We seldom notice air, but there's more going on in that cubic foot of the ether in front of our faces than most of us would ever guess


The Cattle Ranch That Doubles As a School for Doers

Punching cows and hitting the books go together at Deep Springs, a feisty college that acts like it's run by the students — and it is


Shhhh...Those 'Peculiar People' Are Listening

They're out there in there boondocks, doing their best to record the pure sounds of nature while there are still some quiet places left

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