

Human Moms Teach Chimps It's All in the Family

A nursery school at the Yerkes Primate Center gives lessons to the offspring of lab chimps on how to live like their wild-born relatives

Desert Bloom in Namaqualand, South Africa

Fickle Desert Blooms: Opulent One Year, No-shows the Next

Arid lands mean life on the edge. Adaptations serve flowers well, but deserts are always mosaics of abundance and seeming sterility

Private Roy W. Humphrey is being given blood plasma after he was wounded by shrapnel in Sicily in August 1943.

Again and Again in World War II, Blood Made The Difference

In 1940 the hard-driving Harvard biochemist Edwin Cohn broke plasma down into its different proteins and saved millions of soldiers' lives


Smithsonian Perspectives

Our historic concern for conservation now leads us into many areas related to endangered species and biodiversity


However It Began on Earth, Life May Have Been Inevitable

In a universe filled with prebiotic compounds,it may be only a small step for some of them to hook up in ways that lead directly to life

Aging Process, Charles Csuri

Charles Csuri is an 'Old Master' in a New Medium

When a big mainframe first showed up at Ohio State University, this member of the artfaculty began moonlighting across the quad


The Biggest Fish That Ever Was

Gentle whale sharks roam the world's warm seas but were rarely seen until an Australian gathering place was found


Giving New Life to Haida Art and the Culture It Expresses

Robert Davidson and Bill Reid rediscovered their past with the help of anthropologists, old books, tribal elders and a common ancestor


What's Good For the Goose May Not be Good For You

Honk if you've had it up to here with geese on the golf course, in your yard, all over parks and beaches. You are not the only one


Phenomena, Comment & Notes

While Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is history, space scientists are beginning to piece together the details of its pyrotechnic encounter with Jupiter last July

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