Smart News

A different blue whale skeleton rests on Goudier Island, Antarctica.

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The Whale That Didn’t End Up Exploding Is Being Chopped Up and Shipped Across the Country

Dismantling a blue whale, piece by piece

The sperm cells were found in Riversleigh, a remote spot in northwestern Australia that was once a teeming rainforest.

New Research

Giant Sperm Cells Belonging to 17 Million Year Old Shrimp Are the Oldest Ever Found

The sperm were longer than the male shrimp's entire body

Cool Finds

This Farmer Grew Four Times As Much Rice in the Same Amount of Land

His controversial farming method has long been dismissed by experts

Cool Finds

The Science of Cooking a Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

It's all about temperature and timing

Cool Finds

Small, Quiet Drones Let Conservationists Peek Inside Bird’s Nests

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is using remote-controlled drones to monitor nests of endangered species

Trending Today

Staying Near Home Becomes the Norm For Millennials

With finances tight and jobs scarce, hometowns are looking very attractive

Christopher Columbus' flagship, the Santa Maria, and his companion ships Pinta and the Nina approaching land. Undated Woodcut.

New Research

Wreckage of Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria Found off Haitian Coast (Maybe)

The Santa Maria ran aground off Haiti in 1492

Cool Finds

How to Make Hitchhiking Safe Again

A new system of background checks could make catching a ride safer and easier

The new Mars rover, scheduled for 2020, is to be built on roughly the same platform as the Curiosity rover.

Cool Finds

NASA's Going to Mars in 2020 And Wants to Bring Back Martian Rocks

The next NASA Mars rover, scheduled for 2020, may be the first step in a sample return mission

New Research

Kids And Young Adults Don't Read Books for Fun — They've Got Smartphones

Three times as many kids as in the 1980s just don't read books

This is one of the oldest living trees in the world

Cool Finds

Is This the Oldest Living Tree?

This Norway Spruce in Sweden has roots that are over 9,000 years old

A female German fighter rests after competing in the first World International Medieval Combat Championship.

Cool Finds

The World Championships in Medieval Combat

Steps from a 15th century Spanish castle, combatants took to arms

A war disbled man, who lost both of his arms in World War I, learns to hold knife and fork with his prostheses.

Trending Today

The "Star Wars" Prosthetic Arm Was Approved for Sale in the U.S.

The advanced prosthetic reads muscle contractions and turns them into motion

New Research

When We're Threatened, We Try to Show What Good People We Are

Outside observers, however, tend to see through flimsy claims of innocence

Cool Finds

In an Emergency, We Act Like Ants

Like many animals, we tend to clump together when danger presents itself

Thermal image of window mounted AC units in an apartment building.

New Research

This Is How Much Hotter Nights in Phoenix Are Because of A/C

Waste heat from air conditioners causes a significant amount of warming outside

Protesters in front of the Nigerian Embassy in London.

Trending Today

Boko Haram Video Says What the Group Wants in Exchange for Freeing Abducted Girls

If let go, they have a good chance of being able to recover emotionally

Berlin Children Cheering Airlift Plane

Trending Today

65 Years Ago Today, the Soviet Blockade of Berlin Ended

The first real showdown between the Soviet Union and the West ended 65 years ago today

Gino Bartali

Cool Finds

This Italian Cyclist Defied Fascists and Saved Lives

The world didn’t learn about the heroism of Gino Bartali during WWII until after he died in 2000

Cool Finds

We’re Drinking Whiskey Faster Than Distillers Can Make More

Whiskey supplies are running low

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