Smart News

A small ivory statuette previously found in a different tomb in Hierakonpolis.  The Daily Mail has photos of objects found at the new site.

New Research

Archaeologists Just Found a 5,600-Year-Old Pre-Dynastic Egyptian Tomb

This newly discovered Egyptian tomb is even older than hierogylphs

New Research

Hurricanes Katrina And Rita Caused At Least 117 Uncounted Deaths, of Stillborn Babies

Higher rates of stillbirths overlapped with the most devastated areas in the aftermath of those 2005 natural disasters

Washington, D.C.

Last Call For Metro-North’s Bar Car!

The last bar cars left in America ride the rails for the last time tonight

Cool Finds

Why Don’t Chimpanzees Have Long, Luscious Locks?

Why doesn't animal fur grow like human hair?

Cool Finds

Someone Had to Build the Terracotta Army—Archaeologists Just Found Their Humbler Grave Sites

Forty-five grave sites were found only kilometers from the emperor's tomb

New Research

One More Way Cities Might Mess With Birds—By Throwing Radio Waves at Them

Radio waves disrupt birds' migratory patterns, but birds may have a natural work-around

Cool Finds

To Save the Apples We Love Today, We Need to Save Their Ancient Ancestors

Apples aren't set to cope with our changing world. To help them, first we'll need to protect the past

Trending Today

This City in California Voted in Favor of Making Bullying a Crime

Bullying can seriously harm kids, for years. But should it really be punished by law?

Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken by Josse Lieferinxe

New Research

The Black Death Actually Improved Public Health

Analysis of skeletons from before and after the height of the epidemic yields surprising results

A view in Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile

Cool Finds

An Expansive, Privately Funded Park in Patagonia Will Open to Visitors This Winter

This beautiful park—which foreign conversationists love—is putting wild animals and local gauchos at odds

Sunrise as seen from the ISS earlier today.

Cool Finds

Watch the World Float by the International Space Station's New HD Webcam

Four HD cameras are streaming amazing, serene views of Earth...back to Earth

Lettuce growing aboard the International Space Station.

Cool Finds

NASA Wants to Build a Greenhouse on Mars

A small greenhouse growing thale cress may be on its way to Mars by 2021

Cool Finds

These Are All the Places in the United States Where Nobody Lives

There are still plenty of empty census blocks out West

A Buddhist monk meditates in Cambodia.

New Research

Breathing Deeply May Actually Boost Your Body's Immune System

The power of the trained mind over the body is truly an amazing thing

Cool Finds

France Is Spending 3 Million Euros to Save the Great Hamster of Alsace

There are only a few hundred left!

A map of earthquake activity around the U.S. from 2009 to 2012. Black dots are earthquakes above magnitude 3.0, with bigger circles for bigger earthquakes.

New Research

Government Says Oil and Gas Development Have Raised Risk of Earthquakes in Oklahoma

Oklahoma's recent surge in earthquake activity due in part to wastewater injection

Dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes, but only the small, feathered variety survived.

New Research

Ancient Birds Avoided Mass Extinction By Shrinking

The shrinkage process was well underway before an asteroid brought doom to the dinosaurs 66 million years ago

A page from Traité des couleurs servant à la peinture à l’eau

Cool Finds

This 300 Year Old Book Is a Guide to Every Paint Color Imaginable

Browse through color swatches from the 17th Century

A protester at the Bring Back Our Girls rally in New York City, which took place last week.

Trending Today

The U.S. Is Going to Help Try to Find the Still-Missing Nigerian School Girls

President Obama pledges immediate, on-the-ground support

Far View House, Mesa Verde

Cool Finds

This "Lake" at Mesa Verde Is Actually a Ceremonial Structure

The old theory, that it was a reservoir, didn’t hold water

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