Smart News Science

Meltwater from the Brady Glacier (shown in the foreground) is seen in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. The water in the foreground in the southwest (bottom left) corner of the image is the Gulf of Alaska.

New Research

Alaska’s Freshwater Is Draining Into the Sea at an Astounding Rate

Satellite data shows that snow and glacial melt are partially to blame for an annual freshwater output 1.5 times that of Mississippi River

New Research

This Mysterious Plant Doesn’t Have Time for Junk DNA

Utricularia gibba has less DNA, but more genes

The tropical fire ant is the first known ant to travel the world by sea.

New Research

How 16th Century Trade Made Fire Ants an Early Global Invader

By inadvertently stowing away in Spanish ships, one pesky little insect quickly spread throughout much of the world

The blue whale is the biggest animal on the planet - and would have massively outsized the ocean's largest species 500 million years ago.

New Research

The World’s Sea Creatures Have Gotten Bigger

A new study reveals evolution in the ocean appears to favor larger animals

Trending Today

See the Winter of Our Discontent…From Space

NASA photo of the eastern United States confirms it’s really, really cold out there

Russian ice breaker Kapitan Khlebnikov breaks through pack ice in the Southern Ocean

Trending Today

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets A New Record, But the Climate is Still Changing

Climate change deniers, sit back down

A surgeon using an endoscope, similar to the device involved in the UCLA outbreak

Trending Today

Contaminated Doctors’ Scopes May Have Spread a Superbug to Almost 180 Patients

A drug-resistant bacteria usually found in the gut has infected seven people and contributed to two deaths

New Research

Fat Is a Texture, Not a Taste…For Now

Scientists predict fat will join the other primary tastes within ten years

New Research

Is That Pill a Placebo? This Program Can Tell, Even If You Can't

A new algorithm could make it faster and less expensive to develop new painkillers

A black garden ant.

New Research

Ants Have Designated Toilet Areas in Their Nests

A new study shows that black garden ants have a relatively meticulous protocol for when nature calls

Cool Finds

Divers Discover Graveyard Filled With Giant Lemur Skeletons

A Madagascar cave is packed with the bones of extinct species

New Research

Snails’ Teeth Beats Spider Silk As Nature’s Strongest Material

The discovery makes sense: Mollusks use these teeth to excavate rocks while they feed

New Research

Found: A New Tool in the Fight Against HIV

New approach offers “vaccine-like” protection against HIV

Trending Today

How “Learned Deafness” Might be Letting Noise Pollution Win

The world may be noisier than ever but one scientist warns that our attempts to blot out the sound may cost us dearly

New Research

Only 1 in 4 Americans Would Take a Free Space Flight

Americans are still skeptical about some aspects of space travel

A cross section of a polymetalic deep sea nodule of manganese and cobalt discovered on a previous expedition.

Cool Finds

An Underwater Field of Weird Metal Balls Is a Key to Both Past And Future

A huge deposit of manganese nodules beneath the Atlantic might be a potential source of highly prized rare earth metals

Trending Today

Finally, the First Fish Ever Is Taken Off the Endangered Species List

The recovery of a tiny fish signals good news for area waterways and proof that, when heeded, protective measures can make a difference

Trending Today

Grizzlies in Yellowstone Are Already Waking Up

Warm weather has drawn at least one bear out of hibernation and in search of food

New Research

Is DNA the Solution for Permanent Data Storage?

New study uses “synthetic fossils” to store data for the ages

The common ancestor of this Gentoo penguin likely evolved to be incapable of tasting most flavors—but why?

New Research

The Cold May Have Cost Penguins Most of Their Taste Buds

Recent genetic analysis shows that penguins can’t taste sweet or bitter, and scientists think sub-zero temps may be to blame

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